Large Rolle Compactor-Pneumatic Tyred Rolle
Large Rolle Compactor-Pneumatic Tyred Rolle
Large Rolle Compactor-Pneumatic Tyred Rolle
Large Rolle Compactor-Pneumatic Tyred Rolle
- Description:
Large Rolle Compactor-Pneumatic Tyred Rolle
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Configuration
  • Software


Roller compaction is the laboratory method that closely simulates on-site compaction. The machine can be configured to operate with a single wheel or twin wheels depending on the mould size. The wheels track the surface in overlapping wheel-paths using sequences specified in EN 12697-33 or custom sequences designed by the user. The base of the mould is incrementally raised by a precision jacking system and the system is tracked to keep it level with the top of the mould. Compacted slabs can be from 50 to 150mm thick. 500 x 180mm slabs are usually wheel tracked in the Cooper Technology Large Wheel Tracker, whilst 600 x 400mm slabs are normally cut to produce trapezoidal or prismatic specimens for fatigue, modulus tests and Duriez test.

Key Uses
Preparation of homogeneous asphalt slabs:
Wheel tracking tests
Sawing into beams for bending tests

Coring to produce specimens for indirect tensile and axial tests


User friendly, intuitive and reliable Windows™ software developed using LabVIEW™

Page 2Software is designed to perform EN 12697-33 (Large Scale Device)

The user interface can be translated into the user’s preferred language – please enquire

Real time display of current compaction height and diagnostic indicators

EN compaction routines are included as standard

User can design and save custom compaction routines

大型轮碾压实机 CRT-RCENLD-Ⅲ

Calibration & Maintenance

Calibration, Annual Service and Maintenance Contracts are available for this device. Please enquire for further details. Note: This device should bechecked and calibrated annually.


• EN 12697-33 Pneumatic tyred roller

• NF P98-250-2


• Compacts uniform slabs of asphaltic paving mixture

• Computer control for repeatable standard EN 12697-33 compaction patterns
• Option for customer defined compaction patterns to be programmed and saved
• Single or dual wheeled configuration
• Mould size (length x width) 500 x 180mm or 600 x 400mm
• Compacted slabs can be used in the large pneumatic tyred wheel tracker or cut into beams for bending tests
• Safety enclosure with optical laser sensors for user safety, easy access and manoeuvrability
• Issued with UKAS certification of calibration
DescriptionTechnical Specification
Wheel Load5kN Single wheel, 10kN Dual wheel
Mould Dimensions500 x 180mm   600 x 400mm(others available)
Wheel Speed200~500mm/s
Slab Thickness50, 100, 150mm
Electrical Supply¹3 Phase 415 Volts 50Hz @ 32A (others available)
Compressed Air7-10 巴 @100 升 / 分

Compactor 600 x 1300 x 2150mm (W x D x H)

Power Pack 550 x 600 x 700mm (W x D x H)

Working space required2600 x 3300 x 2300mm  (W x D x H) 
Weight1365kg approx  (including Power Pack)

Accessories/Spare Parts


• CRT-WTRCM-100LD Mould - 500x180x100mm deep

• CRT-WTRCM-50LD Mould - 500x180x50mm deep

• CRT-RCM-150LD Mould - 600x400x150mm deep

• CRT-RCM-100LD Mould - 600x400x100

• CRT-RCLD-600SR Steel Roller to Level Sample Surface - 600x400mm

• CRT-RCLD-500SR Steel Roller to Level Sample Surface - 500x180mm

• CRT-INSERT-50LD Mould - Insert 500x180x50mm deep

• CRT-INSERT-50LD600 Mould - Insert 600x400x50mm deep

• CRT-RCENLD-SC600400 Surcharge Collar - 600x400mm

• CRT-RCENLD-SC180500 Surcharge Collar - 180x500mm

• CRT-WTRCLD-FK Lifting Trolley for Large Device Roller Compactor

• CRT-WTRCLD-ASS (Replacement Part) Replacement Full Assembly Tyre Wheel Innertube

• CRT-WTRCLD-EXT (Replacement Part) Valve Extender for Tyre for Large Device

• CRT-WTRCLD-IREP (Replacement Part) Replacement Innertube for Large Device

• CRT-WTRCLD-TREP (Replacement Part) Pneumatic Tyre for Large Device

• CRT-WTRCLD-WREP (Replacement Part) Replacement Wheel for Large Device