It is a well-known fact that the controller and software is one of the most important aspect of any system and the main reason testing machines become outdated or obsolete. The original machine manufacturer often charges outrageous prices to upgrade the Control and Data Acquisition System and Software, knowing the customer has very little choice.
We have now made it easier than ever to upgrade third party servo-hydraulic/pneumatic dynamic testing machines, including but not limited to IPC Global, Controls, Cooper, Interlaken, MTS and Instron machines, to our leading-edge Control and Data Acquisition System (CDAS) and world acclaimed TestLab software.

This immediately offers the user access to a comprehensive suite of pre-programmed Method Files and/or the opportunity to create their own Method Files, to suit their individual needs. We can also provide interface cables and signal conditioners to adapt existing transducers to the our CDAS and offer additional transducers, already fitted with in -line signal conditioners to suit existing and new testing applications.
For servo-hydraulic systems; the microprocessor controlled HPS interface unit allows us interface our CDAS to most third-party Hydraulic Power Supplies
Our compact Control and Data Acquisition System, complete with the TestLab Software, delivers unparalleled performance, realtime control and ultimate versatility in acquisition and provide a flexible and user-friendly testing solution.
▪ Compact up to 24 Input, 6 control axis.
▪ Sampling rate up to 200 kHz over all channels.
▪ Up to 64 times over-sampling.
▪ Up to 24 bit resolution over the full range (no auto ranging required).
▪ Automatic recognition of transducers and upload of calibration files.
▪ Digital closed loop update sampling rate up to 25 kHz
▪ High speed, (18 bit) D/A digital servo-control.
▪ Modbus/CAN/RS485/RS232 communication among devices connected to the same network.
▪ Communication USB or Ethernet.

Open architecture software allows user to inspect calculations and results.
Integrated data result post processing feature with MS Excel.
Standard and user customizable test reporting.
Real time graphing of results and configurable real-time transducer.
Flexible and user-friendly with unprecedented clarity of results and analytical power.
Full access for advanced user to specify their own calculations, test results and charting

Developed with ultimate flexibility in mind, TestLab test and control software caters to all levels of operator experience. By using pre-programmed Method files, an inexperienced operator can run a range of international test methods without the need for any programming.
Moreover, a test Wizard, available with popular tests, can guide the operator step by step based on a recipe book approach.
Most importantly, the experienced engineer and/or researcher need not be constrained by the functions and analysis in the method files provided.
The operator may clone, modify and/or generate his/her own method file to suit their specific requirements. The Excel based data analysis offers the operator the flexibility to implement alternative analysis and customize reporting facilities.
TestLab allows for real time graphing of results and configurable real time transducer levels display with unprecedented clarity of results and analytical power.
TestLab is an open architecture user programmable software application. Our engineers have taken the time to review all the relevant international test standards and used TestLab Test Designer to program method files according to these standards. Basically, any of these tests can bedesigned, cloned and/or modified by the user within TestLab. The user is no longer restricted to the test applications provided at time of purchasethe possibilities are only limited by the skill and imagination of the user.
The Testlab materials testing software is a universal approach tomaterials testing and is designed to interface the CDAS – Control andData Acquisition Systems - and the wide range of Pavetest machines.A Testlab Manager interface allows users to easily and efficientlylocate the necessary method files to load and execute.
The operator can run pre-programmed Method files, in accordanceto the requested Standards, or configure an application test and thensave that configuration to a customised Method file. This includes thetransducer and calibration allocations, control parameters, termination conditions and any other items, which allow users to enter data.Method files may easily be “cloned”, adapted and saved to be usedat a later stage with pre-set preferences.

The wizard section provides a prompted menu approach to runninga test. The user is driven to enter information throughout a seriesof easy steps.

The Test Data section displays run-time information, such as theloading time, cycle count, transducer readings (force, displacement, pressure, temperature), stress calculations, strain calculations and other test specific properties.

For the more sophisticated tests, Pavetest provides the user withan alternative, simpler and more intuitive representation of thecurrent status of both machine and test method. This dashboarddisplay feature of TestLab shows real time transducer levels, computed data and charted data before, during and after the test hascompleted.

All Testlab Method file tests provide the facility to send the datadirectly to an Excel workbook including test input and results data.This facility provides a means of efficiently post processing rawdata results and customizing reports from within Excel and optionally displaying summary result in TestLab.

Installing and Training
We will provide turnkey service. On-site installation, commissioning and training, including the additional jigs, test method files and transducers will be provided all.
▪ Testlab Software
▪ B205 8 channel CDAS or B206 16 channel CDAS
▪ B205-01 HPS interface box
▪ B205-02 6 pin DIN (male) to 7 pin XLR (female) adaptors cable
▪ B205-03 6 pin DIN (female) to 7 pin XLR (male) adaptors cable
We have now made it easier than ever to upgrade third party servo-hydraulic/pneumatic dynamic testing machines, including but not limited to IPC Global, Controls, Cooper, Interlaken, MTS and Instron machines, to Pavetest’s leading-edge Control and Data Acquisition System (CDAS) and world acclaimed TestLab software.