This model is basically structured as mod. B041 and B041EN, but, in addition, it includes the shear stress measurement device and thereforeit is recommended for both design and research purposes.
The device provides the important parameters required to determine the main properties of asphalt mixes, and to predict their suitability forpractical uses. This integrated measurement allows user to perform tests without any additional operation. The system comes already calibratedfrom the factory.
Matest Gyratory Compactors are of represent the innovative electromechanical machines currently available on themarket.The machine is available in two versions, Gyromecand GyroResearch.These Gyratory Compactors have multiples uses inapplications involving both concrete and asphalt.
They are used
To simulate and reproduce real compactionconditions of actual road paving to determine thecompaction properties of asphalts in compliancewith ASTM, EN and AS standards.
To simulate and reproduce kneading action ofconcrete mixes and compaction in precast productionlines according to NT Build 427.
A complete electromechanical system where compressed air is not required.Electromechanical gyratory motion and vertical load for a complete and precise control ofcompaction and specimen extraction.
The machine can also perform automatic final flattering cycles at zero angle to obtain specimenswith perpendicular faces.
Electromechanical actuator and extruder
Cylinder and load cell are installed in alignment with the actuator for higher load measurementaccuracy, thanks to a reduced friction and a direct measurement of the load applied.An extruder that is completely independent from the vertical actuator enables simultaneous compaction and extrusion of samples.User can start compacting a sample while extruding previous compacted samples to save time.No air pressure is required at this stage either.
Automatic final flattening cycles
Zero angle cycles are directly selectable from the main menu by the user before startingcompaction, in order to obtain a perfectly vertical specimen. A cylinder is a must to havea good repeatability and accuracy in test results.The compacted specimens will be perfect for mechanical analysis: parallelism between top andbottom plane, associated with the perpendicularity between vertical walls are fully guaranteed.

Concept based on American DOT principles
Gyratory compactors are based on the trial and prove concept of the Texas DOT unit and complyfully with the Superpave principles.Its servo-controlled mechanism guarantees a very high level of accuracy for load application,internal compaction angle, mould gyration speed and measurement of the height of the specimenthroughout the test. All compaction parameters are controlled by the Cyber Plus Progress controlunit and can be easily modified by user through the display

Robust steel frame
Compaction is achieved through a stable mechanism integrated in a solid androbust frame.This ensures angle control with its electronic positioning and automatic adjustment.The worktop is “safety-oriented”: no lifting of heavy moulds thanks to the integrated extruderand balance. All operations can be performed by simply sliding the moulds over the machineworktop.

Compressed air is no longer required
Compared to pneumatic and hydraulic actuators,electromechanical ones provide significantadvantages. In particular, they allow completecontrol over the motion profile used.
Innovative load control
The load cell in axis with the vertical actuatorallows to apply a consolidation pressure withaccuracy ±0.01KPa to meet and exceed thestandards
The servo-controlled electromechanical actuator improves machine performancesthanks to its smooth forceapplication.

Angle adjustment
Machine automatically allows settingof zero angle cycles to obtain perfectly parallel specimen faces.

PID closed-loop control
Matest Gyratory Compactors use electromechanical actuator with PIDclosed-loop control and adaptive runtimecontrol to achieve and maintain the requiredload for the duration of compaction.
The control panel interface allows users toinput, control and modify the PID parametersin order to obtain excellent results for eachtype of compacted asphalt mixtures.

Our R&D department is committed to improving the performance of SGC compactors. Matest,thanks to a constant attention to quality, aim to meet any type of needs, whether for academicpurposes or for routine testing in laboratories.
GyroResearch provides the important parameters required to determine the main propertiesof asphalt mixes and to predict their suitability for pratical uses. The integrated shear stressmeasurement and the dynamic angle adjustment system allow the user to perform tests withoutany additional operations.

Shear Stress Measurement
The innovative system of three extra load cells placed under the mould allows continuousmeasurement of the resistance of asphalt mixtures to shearing under gyratory loading at a fixedangle.The system measures the eccentricity of the resultant load applied by the gyratory compactor inreal time during compaction.
Dynamic Angle Adjustment
The research model allows users to automatically define the gyratory angle from 0 to 3° beforestarting compaction. It is a simple parameter that can be selected as the number of cycles anddesired height. A different angle will produce a different compaction. GyroResearch is able tomaintain the selected angle for the whole duration of the cycles thanks to the controlsystem and resulting in a more reliable performance.

Matest Gyratory Compactors working principle complies fully with international standard specifications as well as withSuperpave principles thus avoiding any differences of interpretation.
The conical compaction on surfaces of revolution isperfectly achieved by the simultaneous action of a low staticcompression and the shear action as defined and required byEN and AASHTO standards.

Superpave Gyratory Compactor has been designed to tosimulate field compaction of hot-mux asphalts due to itscapacity to apply loads at different angles generating shearforces.Gyratory compaction determines a redistribution of theaggregates thus building new granular structures having adistribution of voids whose shape and entity is similar to thatoccurring on site.

The Gyratory compactor applies a vertical or compactingpressure R which closely resembles that of rubber tiredcompactors in the field. Along with vertical pressure, a shearstress S is applied to the asphalt mixture.The Shear Stress is a good indicator of the asphalt mixtureworkability and its potential resistance to rutting phenomenaon surfaces subjected to traffic.

Matest Cyber-Plus Progress is the generation digital controller for asphalt testing.
Its technology allows to control, acquire, display and transfer data while offering the possibility to connect Matest software for remote control andprintout of results and certificate.
Cyber-Plus Progress is equipped with a wide, 7” touch-screen display and user-friendly interface.

Density And Voids Analysis
Post-processing analysis to determine mix design properties.