Matest-Pavetest’s compact Control and Data Acquisition System (CDAS) delivers performance, real time control and ultimate versatility inacquisition and provide a flexible and user friendly testing solution.
It provides waveform fidelity from integrated acquisition and control functions, with low level sampling at speeds of up to192,000 samples per second simultaneously on all channels and 20 bit resolution over the full dynamic input signal range.
Easy Data Processing With The Included Software
The CDAS includes the TestLab software - supplied on USB flash drive - complete with relevant Method files (based on the test configurationssupplied) and calibration files for all the transducers supplied. Software and test methods are expandable for future requirements.

Technical Features
High speed, (18 bit) digital servo-control, 4 axis.
Digital closed loop update sampling rate of 2.5 kHz.
Computer programmable, Proportional, Integral and Derivative(PID) control algorithm.
Adaptive Level Control (ALC) algorithm for dynamic peakaccuracy.
3 feedback control modes. E g. force, position and on-specimenstrain.
“Bumpless transfer” between control modes.
Analog inputs are automatically calibrated on power up.
Simultaneous sampling of all channels.
16 Analog (± 10 Volt) input channels.
64 times over sampling (set to 8 by default).
20 bit digital resolution (approx. 1/1.000.000), no auto rangingrequired.
Sampling rate up to 192.000 samples/see.