Germany WILLE This fully automatic high - precision electromechanical,microprocessor-controlled apparatus is used for performing incremental unconfined consolidation and one-dimensional swell tests as well as CRS tests which Pneumatic systems are not able to do it. This is an advanced replacement for Pneumatic oedometer test device or the traditional hanging weight one.
It includes of a loading frame (table top or Floor type), load cell, external displacement transducer, consolidation cell and software which runs automatically all types of required tests which are pre-programmed in software. Additiona lcomponent could be added to the main unit to increase the testing ability of the main device. e.g. Pore pressure transducer, different type of cells and etc. A direct operation and calibration of the device is possible by control unit with keypad and LC-display.There are different types of oedometer cells which could be combined with the load frame to meet all your test requirements e.g fixed and floating type, K0 cell, CRS cells and swelling pressure cell and etc.
Microprocessor-controlled consolidation test device includes a Load frame with integrated force, position and speed control for closed-loop control of strain- stress or displacement (position)and a high quality Siemens controller and data acquisition brings you different possibilities to use the device and run your test in a better way. The frame is able to control low stresses with high precision in compare with pneumatic versions.
SIEMENS Industrial Controller
The operation of the device requires the direct input of numerical values besides the use of the function keys. The control element made by Siemens Company is an advanced control panel which allows the user to enter the numerical values and control the system by other function keys easily. You need just to enter the values and press the run Key to start the operation.
The operator panel gives the user access to all functions in the operation and service menu. This enables the user to start and run the pump as well as conduct calibration if needed. These controls are instinctive and simple to use. All functions, such as actual status, flow rate and information on the pressure pumping ramp can be seen on the LCD display on the front of the device.
Main Features
• Graphic display including 10 input membrane keys
• Setting force or position manually
• CE mark
• Ethernet interface
• 22 available different languages
• Multi language menu navigation
• Calibration function
• 4 free analogue Ports with A/D converter (interface+ /- 10 VDC)
Consolidation Cells
The concept of the Oedometer test is to simulate in field condition of one-dimensional deformation of specimen and drainage condition. The sample is taken from field and is trimmed in lab for the desired sample size and height.
In all oedometer cells, the undisturbed soil specimen is cylindrical type which is placed in a confining ring made of stainless steel to prevent any lateral strain and provide a real one-dimensional test condition (the sample is allowed just to have vertical compress and swelling). Applied force is distributing over the entire of the specimen by using a pressure cap contacted to upper porous disc which is placed on top of the specimen. Two porous discs located at top and bottom of the specimen allow pore water to drain out of Specimen.
This series of cell are available in variety range of sizes either in inch or millimeter diameters e.g: 50,47mm (20Cm2) ; 63,5mm( 31,67Cm2) ; 71,40mm( 40Cm2), 75mm (44,16Cm2) ; 100 mm(78,53Cm2) ; 112,8 mm( 100Cm2).
Permeability Fixed Ring Oedometer
The consolidation test with permeability feature is only possible in the fixed-ring cell that drainage and permeability at any stage of loading can be measured from the bottom porous stone . The configuration of the cell is similar to conventional fixed ring unless the specimen and saturating water are not exposed to atmosphere. This series of cell are available in variety range of sizes either in inch or millimeter diameters.
Combined Fixed & Floating Ring Cell
This is special oedometer cell for consolidation tests with fixed and floating ring together in one construction. All the parts made from stainless steel and have a stiff construction. The configuration of fixed ring cell does not permit any movement of lower porous disc and it is fixed relative to the top plate when the load applies from top of the sample and just the upper porous disc is permitted to move downward and compress the specimen. In the floating ring cell, the compression places from top and bottom toward the middle of specimen while both top and bottom porous plates are relatively free to move and compress the specimen. The lower porous stone fits inside the cutter ring and can move vertically within it. The floating ring has an advantage to have smaller friction effect between the specimen ring and the soil specimen.
With a construction in our cell, both fixed and floating ring type of tests are possible to take place in one cell without need of any additional component.
Swelling Pressure Consolidation Cell
This special cell is developed to measure increasing swelling pressure (constant height) under saturated condition and does not need any load frame and axial load impalements with hydraulic loading.
A submersible load cell which is located close to sample gives the result with high accuracy and has a range up to 50kN which can be selected per as test requirements.
The swelling pressure is defined as the vertical pressure required to recompress a fully swollen soil sample to its initial void ratio. It is determined from one-dimensional swell-consolidation tests, wherein a fully swollen sample is compressed back under vertical compressive stress. The cell can be used with a loading frame and there for Independent from swelling pressure test, standard incremental or continuous loading test can be realized in preliminary stage or after swelling stage.
K0 Consolidation Cell
This special made consolidation cell is built in a way which radial soil stress can be measured during the whole compression test (loading, unloading, reloading). All the parts made from stainless still and have a stiff construction.
Two steel porous stones which one is used for top of the specimen and another at top of the soil specimen have long life time as they are made of stainless steel and are normally unbreakable. The entire specimen is submerged in water which is filled inside of an outer plexiglass cell open to the atmosphere which permits saturation of the sample. The sample cutting ring and extruder is also included in delivery.
CRS Consolidation Cell
Advanced CRS-Consolidation Cell made by Wille Geotechnik® is a one dimensional consolidation cell designed to perform back pressure and measuring pore pressures and also perform stress and strain controlled oedometer tests (e.g. CRS, CL, IL or swelling pressure test).It has an internal Load cell located top of the specimen to measure more accurate the axial force on sample. The cell is load frame type and works with variety range of our load frames.
The unique feature of our CRS cell is that this cell is somehow designed to be used also as a Rowe-Barden cell using water pressure or air pressure for axial stresses control.
The cell is equipped with needle valves, stainless steel sample ring and stainless-steel porous discs and there are 2 inlet and outlet connections in lower part of cell and upper part has pressure and deairing connection and needle valves, Teflon guided, low friction stainless steel load piston.
Thm Cell (Temperature Controlled)
This advanced thermo-hydro-mechanical stainless-steel temperature-controlled cell enables the user for simultaneous control of temperature, and stress, strain and swelling pressure controlled oedometer tests under temperature-controlled conditions.
The cell is surrounded by a tubular heating/cooling coil and the cooling/heating fluid circulates through it and changes the temperature of the sample. The cell includes of temperature sensors for closed loop control of temperature to reach desired temperature with Small temperature gradient in sample during test. There is an upgrading version which applies gradient temperature along the specimen height as well.
Large Size Consolidation Cell
This large consolidation cell is designed to perform consolidation tests on large specimen sizes up to 500mm diameter size. It is manufactured from Stainless steel and is a load frame-based cell and is manufactured to run the test in combination with load frames with high capacity e.g. 250kN or 500kN.
Ultra Large Consolidation Cell
This large consolidation cell is designed for the testing which requires high loads and high sample sizes. The cell is completely made of stainless steel.
Slurry Consolidation Cell
This consolidation cell is designed to perform the test on specimens which have a large settlement e.g:
• Very fine-grained clay • Tailing muds and mine waste • study was to determine the consolidation behaviour of clay slurries • phosphatic clays • waste materials such as dredging • Sea muds or oozy muds • Harbor muds
The cell is a load frame-based cell and can be integrated to a load frame with large stroke which is made for slurry tests. The cell has different connections at different levels in order to determine the pore-water pressure at different layers to observe and calculate effective stresses inside the material column.
The cell can be saturated with pore water pressure up to 300kPa.The cell is manufactured with two load/normal stress measuring systems, one for the measurement of applied stresses, and one at the bottom for the resulting stresses, compensating the wall friction.