Geosys Application Software
GEOsys is multifunctional and modular fully automatic controlling and data acquisition software available for WINDOWS, LINUX or MAC OSX , which is the universal software for our products. The software performs the CRS tests per as ASTM D4186 and also other tests which are listed in other pages could be run by software.

Main Features
• User defined multiple Incremental loading & unloading
• User defined Saturation cycles (ramp and check)
• Performs all consolidation tests
• Ability to move automatically to next stress level
• The software can be programmed for multiple incremental loading stages
• Optional swelling pressure test
• Limit Setting
• Complete recording and displaying test results in real time
• Live test graphs on screen
• Automatic calculation on back ground
• Fully automatic testing procedure and monitoring via PC control, 12 devices simultaneously and independent
• Possibility to export test results to Microsoft Excel
• Integrated safety features are implemented in software
• Comprehensive status and error messages on the display/ software with number for traceability