B055-10/B055-20M Ductilometer with Data Acquisition System
B055-10/B055-20M Ductilometer with Data Acquisition System
B055-10/B055-20M Ductilometer with Data Acquisition System
B055-10/B055-20M Ductilometer with Data Acquisition System
B055-10/B055-20M Ductilometer with Data Acquisition System
B055-10/B055-20M Ductilometer with Data Acquisition System
- Description:
B055-10/B055-20M Ductilometer with Data Acquisition System
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
Italy Matest
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Configuration
  • Software

B055-10/B055-20M 全自动沥青延度仪

Used to determine the bituminous ductility, that is the distance to which a briquette of molten bitumen can be extended under controlledconditions, before breaking. The Ductilometer basically consists of a moving carriage travelling along guide ways. The carriage is driven by anelectrical motor, inside a large tank fitted with digital thermostat, immersion electric heater, cooling coil for cold water circulation and pump unit.

• Cyber-plus Progress data acquisition and processing system, colour touch screen display ¼ VGA, 24 bit resolution. It automatically performsdata acquisition and processing. Directly connected to printer (accessory) via USB it prints the test certificate. Equipped with slots for externalpendrive or SD card infinite memory support with direct connection to PC.

• Software UTM NET to unload and visualize test data to PC.

• One electric load cell 50 N capacity complete with installation and calibration. (Possibility to install later on 3 cells directly by the end user).

Supplied without briquette mould and base

Developed and manufactured for ductility tests and for researchpurposes. Stepper motor providing a variable speed range from 1 to400 mm/min with digital displacement measuring system.3 samples can be tested simultaneously.One electric high capacity load cell 500 N (possibility to install lateron 3 cells directly by the end user).Automatic positioning of start test.Visualization of the elongation in mm and load/elongation chart. Elongation recording before breaking failure.Absorbed energy elaboration.Temperature setting and visualization of the test execution withcontinuous recording during the test.Test certificate print-out (USB connector or local printer).Cyber-plus Progress data acquisition and processing system colourtouch screen display .Software UTM2 to unload and display test data to PC.Glass upper cover.Supplied without briquette mould and base.


• EN 13589、13703、13398

• ASTM D113、D6084

• AASHTO T51、T300、T301

• GOST 11505, 33138

• JTG E20 T 0605、T 0662


• Stepper motor providing a variable speed range from 1 to400 mm/min with digital displacement measuring system

• Cyber-plus Progress data acquisition and processing system colourtouch screen display

• 3 samples can be tested simultaneously

• Software UTM2 to unload and display test data to PC


Technical Specification

Power supply230V,1ph  50/60HZ,1000W
Dimensions2140 x 400 x 650mm
Weight110kg approx


• B055-25 LOAD CELL electric, 500 N capacity, complete with installation andcalibration (possibility to install up to 3 cells)

• B055-26 REFRIGERATING UNIT, incorporated into the machine, for tests withwater temperature from +0 °C to +25 °C. 230V 1ph 50 Hz(Not possible to fix later on)

• B054-01 DUCTILITY BRIQUETTE MOULD - STANDARDS: ASTM, AASHTO, GOSTUsed to prepare the specimen, it is brass made, accuratelymachined. Supplied without base plate. Weight: 300 g

• B054-02 BASE PLATE for ductility briquette mould

Accessories/Spare Parts


• B055-15 LOAD CELL electric, 50 N capacity, complete with installation andcalibration, suitable for soft bitumen

• B055-25 LOAD CELL electric, 500 N capacity, complete with installation andcalibration (possibility to install 3 cells)

• B055-26 REFRIGERATING UNIT, incorporated into the machine, for tests withwater temperature from +0 °C to +25 °C. 230V 1ph 50 Hz(Not possible to fix later on).

• C128      LASER PRINTER, bench model,for graphics and certificates withdirect connection via USB