Plate Bearing Testing Equipment
Plate Bearing Testing Equipment
Plate Bearing Testing Equipment
- Description:
Plate Bearing Testing Equipment
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
APS-WILLE Geotechnik
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Software
  • Upgrade Option

The bearing plate method is one of the standardized methods for measuring the rebound modulus of soil foundation as stipulated in the JTG E60-2008 Highway Roadbed and Pavement Field Testing Regulations issued in China.

Ordering Information

• FV 21000 Plate bearing test apparatus, single gauge type 100 kN complete with diameter 300mm loading plate, dial gauge and double scale manometer cl. 0.6 (0 – 390 bar / 0 – 0,8 MN/m2) 

• FV 21000 / 100 kN-set Plate bearing test apparatus, single gauge type 100 kN complete with diameter 300 mm loading plate, digital displacement transducer and load transducer with digital display 

• FV 25100 Plate bearing test apparatus 100 kN, three gauges type, complete with diameter 300 mm loading plate, aluminium datum bar adjustable to 2.5 m, 3 digital displacement transducers, pressure transducer, digital data acquisition unit and data processing software


• FV 22004   Loading plate Ø 600mm

• FV 22005   Loading plate Ø 762mm

• FV 210121 Datum bar extension 500mm

• FV 22070   Hydraulic unit 200 kN

• FV 21100   Wooden transport cases set 

• FV 21306   Graphic calculator with pre-programmed evaluation software value input, calculation of the module and display of the load-settlement curve

• FV 20300   Depth stylus 300mm

• FV 20500   Depth stylus 500mm

• FV 21325   Load transducer with digital display for 100 kN, case and adapter set, RS 232 interface

• FV 21391   Load transducer 100 kN with automatic digital data acquisition, memory and display

• FV 2139102 Data transmission and evaluation software for FV 21391


• DIN 18134

• ENV 1997-3

Upgrade Option