Combined Permeamteer (Falling Head+Constant Head) Apparatus
Combined Permeamteer (Falling Head+Constant Head) Apparatus
Combined Permeamteer (Falling Head+Constant Head) Apparatus
- Description:
Combined Permeamteer (Falling Head+Constant Head) Apparatus
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
APS-WILLE Geotechnik
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Software
  • Upgrade Option

This apparatus serves to determine the coefficient of water permeability of soil in laboratory tests and allows to process both types of tests i.e. with constant and variable hydraulic pressure (constant and falling head), basically according to relevant standards.

According to the test requirements, a number of four installed manometer tubes with different diameters can be chosen. The apparatus consists of two piezometer pipe systems for testing with high and low water flow, instrument panel,1 water storage vessel.

Options: Water deairing system


• Constant and falling head apparatus for perme-ability testing of soils with constant and falling hydraulic gradient 

• Two piezometer pipes with mm-scale for determination of the water gradient 

• Suitable for determination of the permeability from 10-3 to 10-8 m/sec 

• Apparatus is mountable on table or wall 

• Standard: DIN, ASTM, BS 

• The apparatus is also useable for proctor moulds and sample tubes

DescriptionTechnical Specification
External water storage vessel 5~20 L
Dimension500x1250x350mm (BxHxD)


GEOSYS Software

GEOsys is a multi-functional and modular controlling and data acquisition software in Windows. It allows for the simple programming of complex user defined test sequences via structured Windows instructions on a graphi cuser interface.

GEOsys utilizes a flexible, programmable system that controls test appliances that coordinate various test operations. The flexible operating panel provides tools to configure the appliance,  editors to carry out load procedures, and functions for analysis, presentations and logs. The software is designed to support a modul arstructure for the test environment so as to enable a flexible configuration and thus fulfil the specific requirements of the company.

The important key feature of this software is the ability to allow users to simply and freely program standard or complex test sequences with structured Windows operations via a graphic user interface.

Thanks to the wide range of abilities Geosy soffers, it is not only compatible with our products, but it can also be used with hardware from other manufacturers, providing data acquisition and test controlling for hard- ware of a similar or more advanced standard.

Combined Permeamteer (Falling Head+Constant Head) Apparatus

Main Features

• Unique platform to address all testing needs, be it soil, asphalt, rock or construction related, both dynamically and statically

• Controlling and data acquisition software

• Simultaneous loops for all connected actuators

• Free programmable Test Sequence Control and Formula Editor (upgrade version)

• Complete real-time data-acquisition and closed- loop control for each channel using real parallel configured channels

• Flexible and user-friendly

• Supporting functions of similar manufacturer Options concerning data conversion in ASCII

• Digital setting of PID Parameters (parameter optimizing or tuning depending on the material) even during operation

• User roles (administrator, service, developer, lab assistant) for easy handling – decreasing the likelihood of errors

• OS platform independent software (e.g. available for WINDOWS, LINUX or MAC OSX)

• Ability to allow users to simply and freely program standard or complex test sequences with structured Windows operations via a graphic user interface

• Suitable for up to any number of simultaneous and independent real-time, closed-loop controlled channels, machines, or test devices, such as axial load, confining pressure, pore water pressure, as pore air-pressure

• Management of hardware components User supplied, calculated measurements

• Languages: English, German, Russian, Chinese, Polish and etc

Upgrade Option

• Permeability cells for non cohesive materials from Ø 75 to 150 mm 

• For testing the water permeability of non-cohesive soils and construction materials, performed with a constant hydraulic gradient 

• Transparent chamber for connecting up to 4 manometer tubes in different heights 

• Including ball valve, deairing valve and ram with top plate to apply a constant axial load in a loading frame 

• Sample preparation plate for permeability cell with rod 

• External water storage vessel (5 to 20L)