Slurry Consolidation Test Device
Slurry Consolidation Test Device
Slurry Consolidation Test Device
Slurry Consolidation Test Device
Slurry Consolidation Test Device
Slurry Consolidation Test Device
- Description:
Slurry Consolidation Test Device
- Model:
Mud consolidation
- Manufacturer:
APS-WILLE Geotechnik
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Software
  • Upgrade Option


Germany WILLE This fully automatic electromechanical consolidation apparatus is designed to perform tests on specimens which have a large settlemente.g.

• Very fine-grained clay  • Tailing muds and mine waste  • study was to determine the consolidation behaviour of clay slurries  • phosphatic clays  • waste materials such as dredging  • Sea muds or oozy muds  • Harbor muds

The well-proven measurement and control electronics are assisted by a menu-driven monitoring system and enable the performance of complex analyses as well as conventional tests. The system includes of a loading frame (tabletop or floor type) with a longer stroke than normal load frames, two load cells, external large displacement transducer, consolidation cell and software which runs automatically all types of required tests which are pre-programmed in software. The complete cell can be saturated with pore pressure up to 0.3 MPa(or optional higher) using our advanced volume/pressure controller(VPC)and there are Built-in filter plates in the head and Base plate for removing the free Pore water.

Microprocessor-controlled consolidation test device includes a Load frame with integrated force, position and speed control for closed-loop control of strain- stress or displacement (position)and a high quality SIEMENS controller and data acquisition brings you different possibilities to use the device and run your test in a better way. The frame is able to control low stresses with high precision in compare with pneumatic versions. The device is equipped with advanced GEOsys software which gives the possibility to users to run all the test stages completely automatic and there is no need pf pretense of operator during the test.

Load Frame

Electromechanical universal load frames of the brand mark Wille Geotechnik® incorporate an extensiverange of features making them ideal for performing either complex or ordinary soil testing applicationsand are characterized by their robust, functional design.The load frames come sin different load capacities e.g. 5, 10 or higher loads on request and has a largestroke of 400mm to enable testing on different slurry materials which have high settlements duringlong consolidation tests.


Slurry Consolidation Cell

This consolidation cell is designed to simulate in field condition of one-dimensional deformation of specimen and drainage condition and perform the test on specimens in dual use consolidation cell for use with conventional load frames or Hydraulic axial pressure as a Rowe-Barden cell type, using water pressure or air-pressure for axial stress control for specimens which have a large settlement e.g:

• Very fine-grained clay  • Tailing muds and mine waste  • Phosphatic clays  • Waste materials such as dredging  • Sea muds or oozy muds  • Harbor muds

The cell is a load frame-based cell and can be integratedto a load frame with large stroke which is made for slurrytests. The cell has different connections at different levels in order to determine the pore-waterpressure at different layers to observe and calculate effective stresses inside the material column. The cell can be saturated with pore water pressure up to is manufactured with twoload/normal stress measuring systems, one for the measurement of applied stresses, and one atthe bottom for the resulting stresses, compensating the wall friction.



Slurry Consolidation Cell With Temeprature Control

This slurry consolidation cell is used to investigate the swelling and settling behavior of sealing systems of tailings or sales pools in the mining industry In particular, the swelling behavior, i.e. the deformations of those used for sealing geomembranes(plastic sealing film with bentonite flow), should be investigated separately from the moisture content and temperature. 

A flow through the sample is permitted up to 80 °C. When using tempered material, the insulating jacket placed around the cell.

The cell is a load frame-based cell and can beintegrated to a load frame with large stroke which ismade for slurry tests. The cell has different connections at different levels in order to determine the pore-water pressure at different layers to observe and calculate effective stresses inside the material column. The cell can be saturated with pore water pressureup to 300kPa.The cell is manufactured with two load/normal stress measuring s ystems, one for the measurement of applied stresses, and one at the bottom for the resulting stresses, compensating the wall friction.



Automatic Single Pressure / Volume Controller (VPC)

Automatic Electromechanical pressure volume controller is a syringe pulse-less pump which generate and regulate pressure and provide flow control in a variety range for different applications and we use it in this system to generate back pressure for the consolidation cell.

Different modes of pressure control e.g. constant pressure, pressure ramps, constant volume flow is available with using of this pump. It has Compact and space saving design (for wall-mounting or table use) and has different modes of pressure control (e.g. constant pressure, pressure ramps, constant volume flow).


SIEMENS Industrial Controller

The operation of the device requires the direct input of numerical values besides the use of the function keys. The control element made by Siemens Company is an advanced control panel which allows the user to enter the numerical values and control the system by other function keys easily. You need just to enter the values and press the run Key to start the operation.

The operator panel gives the user access to all functions in the operation and service menu. This enables the user to start and run the pump as well as conduct calibration if needed. These controls are instinctive and simple to use. All functions, such as actual status, flow rate and information on the pressure pumping ramp can be seen on the LCD display on the front of the device.


Main Features

• Graphic display including 10 input membrane keys

• Setting force or position manually

• CE mark

• Ethernet interface

• 22 available different languages

• Multi language menu navigation

• Calibration function

• 4 free analogue Ports with A/D converter (interface+ /- 10 VDC)


• ASTM D-2166

• ASTM D-2435

• ASTM D-2435M-11

• ASTM D-3877

• BS 1377-5

• EN ISO/TS 17892/5

• AASHTO T-216

• CEN ISO/TS 17892-5

• CEN ISO/TS 17892-7

• JGS 0411

•JGS 0412


• Table top or floor type model

• 2 Columns high stiffness load frame with powder-Coated Steel housing

• Variable vertical clearance by adjustable cross bar (Retaining bolts)

• Microprocessor-controlled precision

• Direct operation of the device by a front panel keypad or via PC with controlling software (communication protocol is available)

• Displacement closed-loop control using external displacement transducer via software

• Ethernet Port for fast data transferring to PC

• Compatible to LABVIEW©

• High quality industrial controller with displayer and membrane keys for monitoring of measured values and test procedures

• Real-time data and graph display

• Fully automatic adjustment of load stages according to the selected stop-criteria

• Settlement control by using displacement Transducer

• Fully automatic adjustment of load stages according to the selected stop-criteria

• Fully automatic testing procedure and monitoring via PC control, 12 devices simultaneously and independent

DescriptionTechnical Specification
axial load


Pore pressure300 kPa
Range of Sample size150/200 mm 176/314 c㎡
Sample Height300 mm


GEOSYS Application Software

GEOsys is multifunctional and modular fully automatic controlling and data acquisition software available for WINDOWS, LINUX or MAC OSX , which is the universal software for our products. The software performs the CRS tests per as ASTM D4186 and also other tests which are listed in other pages could be run by software.


Main Features

• User defined multiple Incremental loading & unloading

• User defined Saturation cycles (ramp and check)

• Performs all consolidation tests

• Ability to move automatically to next stress level

• The software can be programmed for multiple incremental loading stages

• Optional swelling pressure test

• Limit Setting

• Complete recording and displaying test results in real time

• Live test graphs on screen

• Automatic calculation on back ground

• Fully automatic testing procedure and monitoring via PC control, 12 devices simultaneously and independent

• Possibility to export test results to Microsoft Excel

• Integrated safety features are implemented in software

• Comprehensive status and error messages on the display/ software with number for traceability

Upgrade Option

• Temperature control

• HAEV porous discs to obtain soil-water characteristic curves (SWCC)