Static Triaxial Testing System
Static Triaxial Testing System
Static Triaxial Testing System
Static Triaxial Testing System
Static Triaxial Testing System
Static Triaxial Testing System
- Description:
Static Triaxial Testing System
- Model:
Static Triaxial Apparatus
- Manufacturer:
APS-WILLE Geotechnik
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Software
  • Upgrade Option


This series of Static Triaxial testing system ismodular constructed and can be configuredwith a variety of sample adapters, Triaxial cells,pressure plates, automatic pressure controllingunits, automatic volume measuring device ,controlling and data acquisition system withdifferent transducers and variety of softwaremodules. These high-quality stress path triaxial testingsystems are consisting basically of a rigid 2column Electromechanical universal load frameincorporates an extensive range of featuresmaking them ideal for performing either complexor ordinary soil testing applications and arecharacterized bytheir robust, functional design. The test devices are suitable for standard triaxialtests,isotropic or anisotropic consolidation. Theseconfigurations are ideal for educational, researchand commercial purposes.

Microprocessor-controlled universal load frame UL_Series with integrated force, position and speed control for closed-loop control of strain- stress or displacement (position) includes high quality SIEMENS controller and data acquisition, brings you different possibilities to use the device and run your test in a better way. For triaxial testing on soil, the main laod frame could be equipped with a large range of triaxial cells with different sample sizes and cell pressures, Pressure controlling systems, transducers and dedicated software to meet all required tests.

The device is equipped with advanced GEOsys software which gives the possibility to users to run all the test stages completely automatic and there is no need of presence of operator during the test.


System Geography A

① Electromechanical Load Frame

② Triaxial Cell

③ Local transducers

④ External laod cell

⑤ Automatic Air Pressure Controller (APC) For Cell Pressure And Back Pressure And Unsaturated Tests

⑥ Automatic volume measuring burette

⑦ Air/Water bladder

⑧ Industrial Controller and data acquisition system (integrated in load frame)

⑨ Software (enables all kinds of static Triaxial Tests)


System Geography B

① Electromechanical Load Frame

② Triaxial Cell

③ Local transducers

④ External laod cell

⑤ Automatic Volume Pressure controller (VPC) for Cell Pressure

⑥ Automatic Volume Pressure controller (VPC) for Back Pressure

⑦ Industrial Controller and data acquisition system (integrated in load frame)

⑧ Software enables all kinds of static Triaxial Tests

Static Universal Load Frames (Electromechanical Series)

Electromechanical universal load frames of the brand mark Wille Geotechnik® incorporate an extensive range of features making them ideal for performing either complex or ordinary soil testing applications and are characterized by their robust, functional design. The well-proven measurement and control electronics are assisted by a menu-driven monitoring system and enable the performance of complex analyses as well as stress-path tests. The axial load range is from 10kN up to 150 kN and is designed to run not only triaxial tests but also different test applications e.g. Oedometer tests, Uniaxial compression tests, Continuous or incremental Loading, Swell tests and swell pressure.A complete range of parts and accessories is available to configure it for any above-mentioned tests. The load frame is so robust which can be upgraded to run Cyclic tests as well with the high precision.


Soil Triaxial Cell

This series of Stress path Triaxial cells designed for  static and dynamic soil testing to testcylindrical soil specimens with diameters from 38mm up to 150 mm, a length/diameter ratio of at least 2under triaxial conditions. The cells cover variety range of tests which is required in the geotechnical labs.


Static Cell And Back Pressure System

The cell and back pressure can be generated and controlled automatically by different configurations depends on the testing applications, laboratory utilities and technical requirements in a variety range of pressure and for different applications With both below configuration which automatic and are controlled via PC, Tests such as Saturation, stress/strain path, permeability, K0 and other tests can be easily performed with accuracy and precision.

A) Air Pressure Controller (APC)

The standard configuration of this series includes of one-off Air pressure controller (APC) to generate air pressures (e.g. confining and pore pressure), two-off Air/Water Bladder which acts as an interface to exchange pneumatic pressure into hydraulic pressure and one -off automatic water volume measuring device to measure volume changes.

This system is fully automatic system and is controlled via PC and dedicated software.

Working pressure: 2 MPa    Pressure outlet:3 for inner cell, outer cell and backpressure

B) Volume Pressure Controller (VPC)

This method included of two Volume Pressure controllers for applying back pressure and Cell pressure. These are syringe pulse-less pumps which generate and regulate pressure and provide flow control in a variety range for different testing requirements.

The control of the units is simply done via Touch-panel for stand-alone use or via PC and dedicated software. This making them very convenient and easy to operate.

伺服电机控制静三轴试验系统     伺服电机控制静三轴试验系统            

SIEMENS Industrial Controller

The operation of the device requires the direct input of numerical values besides the use of the function keys. The control element made by Siemens Company is an advanced control panel which allows the user to enter the numerical values and control the system by other function keys easily. You need just to enter the values and press the run Key to start the operation.

The operator panel gives the user access to all functions in the operation and service menu. This enables the user to start and run the pump as well as conduct calibration if needed. These controls are instinctive and simple to use. All functions, such as actual status, flow rate and information on the pressure pumping ramp can be seen on the LCD display on the front of the device.


Main Features

• Graphic display including 10 input membrane keys

• Setting force or position manually

• CE mark

• Ethernet interface

• 22 available different languages

• Multi language menu navigation

• Calibration function

• 4 free analogue Ports with A/D converter (interface+ /- 10 VDC)



• ASTM D-2850  

• ASTM D-2850-03a  

• ASTM D-4767  

• ASTM D-5084  

• ASTM D-7181  

• ASTM D-7181-11  

• BS 1377-6  

• BS 1377-7  

• BS 1377-8  

• CEN ISO/TS 17892-11  

• CEN ISO/TS 17892-8  

• CEN ISO/TS 17892-9  

• AS , JGS Standards


• High stiffness robust and compact design

• Floor type electromechanical load frame with 2 columns with powder-coated

• High quality industrial controller with displayer and membrane keys or Touch panel and graphic display for monitoring of measured values and test procedures

• Easy sample set up and handling of the test

• Axial load up to 150 kN

• Sample size 150mm diameter and 300mm height

• Standard Cell pressure up to 3500 kPa(optionally up to 20MPa)

• Settlement control by using accurate displacement Transducer

• Standard triaxial tests: Consolidated – Drained (CD) Consolidated – Undrained (CU) Unconsolidated – Undrained (UU)

• Stress path tests following MIT and Cambridge methods

• Ethernet connection for fast data transferring to PC

• Direct operation of the device by a PC with controlling software (communication protocol is available)

• Dedicated software Real-time data and graph display

• Upgradable to cyclic tests

• Fully automatic adjustment of load stages according to the selected stop-criteria

DescriptionTechnical Specification
Axial Laod10kN up to 150KN
Sample size38mm up to 150mm
Cell pressure1000 kPa / 1600 kPa / 2000 kPa


GEOSYS Software

GEOsys is a multi-functional and modular controlling and data acquisition software in Windows. It allows for the simple programming of complex user defined test sequences via structured Windows instructions on a graphi cuser interface.

GEOsys utilizes a flexible, programmable system that controls test appliances that coordinate various test operations. The flexible operating panel provides tools to configure the appliance,  editors to carry out load procedures, and functions for analysis, presentations and logs. The software is designed to support a modul arstructure for the test environment so as to enable a flexible configuration and thus fulfil the specific requirements of the company.

The important key feature of this software is the ability to allow users to simply and freely program standard or complex test sequences with structured Windows operations via a graphic user interface.

Thanks to the wide range of abilities Geosy soffers, it is not only compatible with our products, but it can also be used with hardware from other manufacturers, providing data acquisition and test controlling for hard- ware of a similar or more advanced standard.


Main Features

• Unique platform to address all testing needs, be it soil, asphalt, rock or construction related, both dynamically and statically

• Controlling and data acquisition software

• Simultaneous loops for all connected actuators

• Free programmable Test Sequence Control and Formula Editor (upgrade version)

• Complete real-time data-acquisition and closed- loop control for each channel using real parallel configured channels

• Flexible and user-friendly

• Supporting functions of similar manufacturer Options concerning data conversion in ASCII

• Digital setting of PID Parameters (parameter optimizing or tuning depending on the material) even during operation

• User roles (administrator, service, developer, lab assistant) for easy handling – decreasing the likelihood of errors

• OS platform independent software (e.g.available for WINDOWS, LINUX or MAC OSX)

• Ability to allow users to simply and freely program standard or complex test sequences with structured Windows operations via a graphic user interface

• Suitable for up to any number of simultaneous and independent real-time, closed-loop controlled channels, machines, or test devices, such as axial load, confining pressure, pore water pressure, as pore air-pressure

• Management of hardware components User supplied, calculated measurements

• Languages: English, German, Russian, Chinese, Polish and etc

Soil Triaxial Test Modules (Static & Cyclic)

GEOsys is designed for closed-loop controlled static & Dynamic tests for all test applications in material testing, such as stress-controlled, strain-controlled, all stress paths, loops, any kind of waveforms like sine, rectangle, triangle, and predefined waves.

It is controlling and data acquisition software and also has different modules to run tests according to ASTM or BS or other standards. Please note that some tests listed below will require optional hardware. Depends on the requirement of the customer one or several modules would be delivered with main software, such as:


• Data Acquisition, processing and device management (DPD) Module

• Saturation Module

• B-value -Test Module

• Consolidation Module (Isotropic or anisotropic)

• Permeability Test Module

• Stress path module: Linear stress paths- p, qor s, t

• Static Shear Stage Module:

UU: Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Test (Total Stress test)

CU: Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Test with pore pressure measurement (Effective Stress test)

CD: Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test with pore pressure measurement (Effective Stress test)

• Unsaturated Test Module

• K0 Test Module

• Tension (Extension) Test Module

Upgrade Option

• Cyclic Triaxial Test

Due to high stiffness of load frames for static tests, there is a possibility to upgrade the laod frame into cyclic version. The upgrading range is up to 10kN-10Hz on request of the user at anytime and even after delivery of the device. There is a list of components which should be added to main system to enable this upgrading e.g. Cyclic electroemchanical actuator, dynamic controller, additional Software modules and other accessories.

• Unsaturated Test Set Up

By adding additional hardware to the system, the system will be upgraded to do unsaturated testing as well. Depends on the selected method of measuring the sample volume change, the additional accessories would be different. High Air Entry Porous Bottom Disc, Advance Pressure controller (APC), unsaturated Software module are some examples of these accessories.

• Internal Strain Measurement

The triaxial test system depends on its type can accept internal sensors for measurements of load, axial deformation and radial deformation. This upgrading helps to have higher accuracy and measuring during the test. For example, it is highly recommended to use Circumferential measuring unit for K0 testing.

• Bender Element Test

The Triaxial test system is able to simply accept bender elements and run bender element tests with its additional accessories. Piezoelectric elements can be easily placed in top and bottom cap of the device for performing bender element or compression wave velocity tests. The existing cell is initially designed to accept the Piezoelectric elements without any extra upgrading on the cell. Exchangeable Bender Element Set for any specimen from 35mm to 150 mm is available and designed for usage in Triaxial test device and can be used for other devices e.g. resonant column device, consolidation cells simple-shear or standard shear devices. Combined Bender element sets are available for Horizontal and also lateral testing for both S and P-wave testing in opposing propagation directions.

• Water De-Airing Apparatus

This compact unit provides de-aired water with low level of gas content, as it is demanded for different tests with standard volume capacity from 20 Liter up to 60 Liter.

• Environmental Temperature Chamber

The triaxial test system depends on the type and existing components has the possibility to be upgraded to run testing under temperature controlling for variety range of temperatures from-25° C to +200°C. This upgrading need different accessories/components depends on the main system including of hardware and also software. Due to the PC-control of temperature unit, any kind of temperature test sequences can be performed.