20-1120 Automatic Binder Extraction Machine
20-1120 Automatic Binder Extraction Machine
20-1120 Automatic Binder Extraction Machine
- Description:
20-1120 Automatic Binder Extraction Machine
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
Germany infraTest
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Configuration
  • Software

This unit is for extraction of the constituents of an asphalt mixture using the non-flammable solventtrichloroethene.


Steel casing with powder coating. Light-alloy spindle with maintenance-free ballbearings, speed 5500/11000 1/min, driven with a three-phase motor via flat belt. Thespindle is foreseen for centrifuge cups 120 mm dia., catalogue no. 20-0330 for up to 200 gof filler or 20-0335 for 200 up to 300 g of filler. In addition we recommend using cup insertpaper 20-0340.

Sieving /washing unit

Sieve vibrator with potentiometer at control box for setting sieving intensity. The solvent issupplied by a pump from the recovery unit to the spray nozzle in the sieve cover.

Recovery still

Two internal chambers, left one for distillation and right one serving as a clean solventreservoir. Distillation chamber heated with tube-type heating elements comprising the mainheater of 1500 W and two supplementary heaters each of 1000 W. Distillation capacity fortrichloroethylene and cooling water temperature of about 8°C with main heater approx. 10l/h, with supplementary heaters switched on add. approx. 35 l/h. At a solvent level of around2 cm above the heating elements, level switches start the elements automatically. Whenthe solvent level drops to about 5 mm above the elements, they are switched off.Additionally, two temperature limiters are fitted as a protection against excessive heating.This could occur in the event of malfunctioning of the level switches, or if the temperaturerises due to distillate consisting of almost pure bitumen. Should this be the case, then drainthe bitumen from the distillation chamber and reset the temperature limiter after the heatershave cooled. The distillation chamber can be cleaned by operation of a spray nozzlecontrolled by a pushbutton at the front of the recovery unit. For taking a solvent-/bitumensample during extraction, a drain valve is provided at the right front of the recovery unit. 


• EN112697-1

• EN 13108

• ASTM D2172


• JTG E20 T 0722


• 操作方法简易

• 试验可自动运行

• 无冷凝水时自动中断设备

DescriptionTechnical Specification
EN11269 试样量可达3.5kg
离心杯3 只
试验时间20~45 分钟/次
振筛尺寸200 x 50mm (需额外订购)
Dimensions1050 x 750 x 1400mm
Power supply400V,3 相,50Hz,3.5kW


• 20-1120 沥青全自动抽提仪,包括 3 个离心杯 20-0330

• 20-1165 抽提仪筛网组,满足 ASTM 规范,包括 ASTM 规范的 0,075-0,18-0,425-2-4 毫米筛子、隔离圈、承受器以及 6 个特殊密封圈20-1180

• 20-0340 离心机杯状容器壁隔离衬纸

Accessories/Spare Parts


• 20-1125 四轮托架,可移动基座,方便移动

• 20-0330 离心杯

• 20-1180 6个特殊密封圈