This high technology digital microprocessor tester, designed andmanufactured by Matest, automatically determines the softeningpoint of asphalts and pitches.
Two laser sensors detect the balls fall determining the softeningpoint.The bath temperature is measured by an electronic system maintaining the gradient (5 °C/min) as specified by the Standards. A magnetic stirrer with electronic speed adjustment from 0 to 160rpm also ensures a uniform temperature in the vessel during thetest execution.The cooling system enables to quickly cool down the samples,allowing to perform many more tests per day.
The touch-screen graphical interface allows an easy set up of theparameters and the immediate execution of the test.High resolution color display, 800x480 pixel, offers all the functionsof a PC for the management and analysis of data, test results, andgraphs.
Two test parameters can be selected in the microprocessor menu:
- test on boiled distilled water for softening point from 30 to 80 °C
- test on glycerol for softening point from 80 up to 150 °C