In the cement and mortar section we are in the position to supply the widest and complete range of compression/flexural testing machines today available in the world wide market, making Matest the manufacturer of strength testing machines.The versatility and flexibility of Matest production range allows the enduser to select a cement compression/flexural frame to be combined withanother frame (like for example concrete compression frame) in order to satisfy and to personalize any specific requirement.
The wide range of machines for testing cements and mortars that Matest offer allows us to meet multiple needs. The different types of frames are specifically designed for specific uses:
• Frames with a single measurement scale of 250, 300 or 500 kN, suitable for performing compression tests
• Frames with double measuring scale: 250, 300 or 500 kN for compression tests and 50 or 15 kN for bending tests
• Double chamber frames with two measuring scales independent of each other: 300 kN for compression tests and 15 kN for bending tests
All the frames are equipped with a safety device that interrupts the test after breaking the specimen to prevent the accessories used during the tests from being damaged.

To Test Cement And Mortar Specimens, Bricks, Rocks, Refractories Etc.
Designed to perform compression tests on portions of prism 40.1x40x160 mm, cubes side 40, 50, 70, 100 mm and 2”; cores with height of 180 mm, by using the suitable compression devices described in next pages (accessories mod. E170 - E171-01) Equipped with an electric micros witch to stop the piston after the specimen breakage, in order to avoid damages to the compression or flexure device.
These testing machines foresee a dual measuring range in the same testing chamber. The two ranges can be used alternatively and are suitable to perform:
• Flexural tests on cement prisms 40.1x40x160 mm(selecting the low capacity range)
• Compression tests on portions of prism 40.1x40x160mm broken in flexure, cubes side 40, 50, 70, 100 mm2”, cores with height of 180 mm (selecting the nominal range).
The measuring range 0 - 15kN can be also used for compression tests on specimens with expected low strength values.
Equipped with an electric micros witch to stop the piston after the specimen breakage, in order to avoid damages to the compression or flexure device