PathRunner summary
Pathway Services Inc. was established in 1996 and has been providing equipment sales and contract services for automated road and pavement condition surveys to transportation agencies around the globe. PathRunner XP Data Collection vehicles are developed and manufactured by team of experts with decades combined of industry experience.
Inertial Road Profiler
PathRunner XP Data Collection Vehicle uses a South Dakota-style inertial profiler manufactured according to ASTM E950 specifications and meeting class 1 requirements. This device measures the longitudinal profile of the pavement surface which is used to calculate the internationally recognized pavement IRI (roughness index) in both wheel paths. The data collected from the laser sensors is also used to calculate ride number, rutting, faulting, and texture data on 100% of the pavement surface. High-capacity removable hard drives are utilized to store and easily transfer large amounts of accumulated data, providing operators the ability to collect hundreds of miles of data and images and share them over a network-wide deployment in the same day.
The MacroTexture system is manufactured according to ASTM E1845-01.A 64 KHz laser sensor is used to measure and report mean profile depth (MPD) and mean texture depth (MTD) at highway speeds by capturing a 100 mm sample of data every meter at 70 mph. Typically, a single sensor is mounted in the right wheel path. Multiple sensors can also be used to report MacroTexture values at various locations within the lane.

Single Interface & Voice Animation
As a built-in quality control feature set, the PathRunner XP Data Collection software brings all data types(images, sensor data, GPS mapping, DMl, etc.) into a single screen. Real-time data processing, display and logic analysis ensure that collected data falls within valid ranges and image thumbnails provide real-time quality check capabilities. Voice animation of road information, routing details and data warnings allow the collection personnel to monitor all data types in real-time.
Onboard Routing
The PathRunner XP Data Collection Vehicle is capable of loading a database of the entire network of roads to be surveyed. It can also load an associated shapefile that displays all routes on the network. These files become a blank shell of the road network that is populated as the data collection cycle progresses. The onboard map provides assistance in facilitating the efficient route collection order. lt also provides real-time display and color-coded status of each road segment displaying complete and incomplete survey routes. The user has the ability to color code these routes as they see fit and through the use of legacy data and spatial location, the van is increasingly content-aware as data is being collected. Using the database and GPS data also ensures that linear referencing, pavement management segments, and GPS location information are all tied directly to the newly-collected data set. Menu-driven route selection is also supported.
HD Roadway Imaging
The PathRunner XP vehicle leverages multiple high-resolution cameras, with each camera providing 2500 x 2000 native pixels. three forward views and a rear view can be utilized with wide angle lenses to capture a panoramic-like representation of the roadway. The images are captured, compressed, and stored in JPEG format at posted speed limits and synchronized in conjunction with sensor and location data to streamline playback and searching capabilities. The collected imaging allows the end user to virtually visit any road on the network without leaving their desk while also providing the added ability to zoom in on digital images for more detail of roadway items such as signs, ramps and guardrails.

Immersive 360-Degree Imaging
The PathRunner XPData Collection Vehicle also offers a fully-immersive, 360-degree camera capable of producing a dome-like JPEG image in which the user can navigate in any direction within a single image. As a supplement to roadway videolog, these images can be stored automatically using GPS at known points of interest. Using six lenses aimed in all directions (including above), the single camera utilizes complex mathematics to capture and create an end-user experience unattainable in forward or rear facing imaging systems. Applications of this technology include imaging at intersections, multi-lane road segments, bridges, underpasses and interchanges with multiple on and off ramps in all directions.
Vertical Clearance Measurement
Mounted at the rear of the vehicle, the system continuously records clearance measurements as the vehicle passes below a structure at highway speeds. The complete profile of the bottom of the structure is recorded and the minimum measurement is extracted and stored. Using eye-safe class 1 lasers, the system captures, displays, and stores structure and height information at accuracies less than one inch. This information can be utilized in asset management systems and displayed as part of safety and traffic data in both the PathView ll and PathWeb browser applications.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Utilizing a single 2 GHz air launched sensor, continuous pavement and subgrade layer thicknesses can be detected at highway speeds. Due to great advancements in the GPR technology, there is no longer a requirement to core the road to ground truth the layer thicknesses. Using this method of continuous scanning, a very accurate picture of the subgrade road profile can be generated without the need for dangerous lane closures and destructive testing. All sensors are FCC compliant and do not cause interference/EMI/EFI.

PathView ll software
PathView ll is a powerful desktop software application which integrates all the pavement surface sensor data, digital images, and location data gathered from the PathRunner XP into a single, powerful, and user-friendly interface. Some of its capabilities are as follows:
• One Data Set, Unlimited Users
• Powerful Desktop Client
• High-Resolution Digital Image Viewer
• Data Inventory and Asset Extraction
• 360-Degree lmmersive Imaging
• Automated Distress Rating
• Dynamic Mapping and Sensor Data Graphs
• User Definable Data Reports
• Data Export to User-Formated Results into PMS systems