PAV to simulates in-service oxidative aging that occurs inasphalt binders during service after 5 to 10 years (long-termaging). The sample is exposed to high pressure and temperature for20 hours (selectable to 99). The Pressure Ageing Vessel (PAV)features 100% compliance with the laboratory standards related toaging the bitumen. The unit consists of a stainless steel vertical pressure vessel (AISI 304 with ASME and CE certifications) enclosed in acabinet with encased band heaters. A source of compressed air witha pressure of at least 2.1 MPa and a pressure regulator generatesand maintains the aging condition required.
The unit is equipped with a 7" colour Touch screen controller withfront panel user interface with easy to use step-thru operation. Theuser-friendly software allows the operator to carry out the test in different modes:
• AUTOMATIC:It’s possible to select from 4 different temperatures(85, 90, 100, 110 °C) and 2 different testing time (20 or 65 hours).
• SEMI-AUTOMATIC:It’s possible to select a temperature from 60to 120 °C and run the test for 20 or 65 hours as in the automaticmode
• MANUAL:This mode can be used in research and it allows tomanually select the temperature from ambient to 130 °C and thetesting time from 1 to 99 hours.
Temperature and pressure can be monitored in real time, thanksto a platinum RTD probe and a pressure transducer. Data logs of bothtemperature, aging time and pressure are saved on USB stick at theend of the test.
A pre-heat mode allows to reach a imum of 60 °C before introducing the sample in safety conditions reducing the conditioning timeof the sample that can reach faster the test temperature. Thanks toan innovative heating system and the pre-heating mode the test canstart in around 1 hour.
The instrument is supplied complete with a sample rack for thesimultaneous testing of ten specimens, ten specimen pans as perstandards, but without compressed air source, 2.1Mpa minimumpressure.

Same to B091M but implemented with an electronic pressure valveto adjust the test pressure from ambient to 2.4 MPa, regulated fromthe control panel.