The requirements for asphalt binder and bitumen, especially withregards to their elasticity and flexibility, have increased significantly inrecent years. Particularly in road construction, new asphalt conceptsare being constantly developed to withstand the heavy strainscaused by the ever-increasing traffic volume. However, traditional testmethods are often not sufficient to characterize these innovative andmainly polymer-modified materials.
So that modern asphalt and bitumen products meet the highrequirements placed on them there is a need for high-performanceinstruments to investigate and analyze these products in both qualitycontrol and during product development. The SmartPave 92 andSmartPave 102e dynamic shear rheometers are able to analyzeunmodified as well as modified asphalt binder and bitumen in a widetemperature range, either according to standards or with classicrheological methods.
Anton Paar dynamic shear rheometers have proven themselvesworldwide for decades due to numerous innovative technologieslike the EC motor, the Toolmaster™ automatic tool recognitionsystem, and Peltier temperature control for drysample thermostatting available. This guarantees accuracy,convenience, and ease of use in asphalt and bitumen rheology.
SmartPave 92 is designedespecially for the demandsof quality control and routinemeasurements in asphalt testlabs. SmartPave 102e is theinstrument which meetsthe high measurementdemands.
Fully automatic temperature calibration
Temperature accuracy and stability are crucial in asphalt testing.Properties of asphalt binders are highly sensitive to changes in temperature. The small temperature deviations result in vastdifferences in the measuring results. Anton Paar offers uniquefully automatic temperature calibration and verification routines inthe RheoCompass software.
Accurate Peltiertemperature control
Temperature has the big influence on the rheological investigation of asphalt binders and bitumen. SmartPave 92 andSmartPave 102e’s temperature control unit is Peltier heating system with heating elements above and below the sample. Temperature gradients are completely eliminated and the heating and cooling rates are very fast. Test times are reduced almost by half, while reproducibility is improved. Due to asphalt chamber, there is no water flow around the sample. You can work in a completely dry environment. The annoying noises made by water circulators and blocked water filters are things of the past.
Toolmaster™ – Automatic tool recognition and configuration
Toolmaster™ is completely contact-free automatic tool recognition and configuration system for rheometers. It recognizes measuring systems and temperature control units as soon as these are connected to the rheometer so you don't need to enter any data manually.
Easy-to-use software
The user-friendly rheometer software has been designed specifically for the needs of the asphalt industry. The software consists of predefined, step-by-step instructions for all test types as defined by international asphalt binder specifications.
Measuring geometry for your needs
Depending on the test method a large selection of measuring systems – parallel plate, cone-plate, and concentric cylinder systems – are available.
Easy fitting of measuring systems
When changing between measuring systems, QuickConnect provides ease-of-use. The quick-fitting coupling allows one-handed connection of the measuring systems and ensures fast, convenient system changes without a screwing mechanism.
A clear view of your sample
TruRay is a unique lighting concept only available for SmartPave 92 which gives you a clear view of the sample and measurement surface. This is especially useful for the correct and filling of the measuring gap.
25 years of experience in one motor
The EC motor (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) deploys a frictionless synchronous movement of the rotor inside that Whether investigating solids or low-viscosity liquids your results are accurate across a wide viscosity range.