Kinexus DSR Dynamic shear rheometers
Kinexus DSR Dynamic shear rheometers
Kinexus DSR Dynamic shear rheometers
Kinexus DSR Dynamic shear rheometers
Kinexus DSR Dynamic shear rheometers
Kinexus DSR Dynamic shear rheometers
Kinexus DSR Dynamic shear rheometers
- Description:
Kinexus DSR Dynamic shear rheometers
- Model:
Kinexus DSR
- Manufacturer:
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Configuration
  • Software


The Kinexus DSR Series is thenext generation rotationalrheometer platform for asphalttesting that’s been developedfrom extensive market knowledgeand feedback, integratinginnovative instrument designwith a revolutionary softwareinterface, to deliver an intelligent solution that will exceedyour rheological expectations.

A modular rheometer withtrue plug and play functionalityfor all measuring systems andenvironmental control units –the Kinexus DSR Series enablespioneering Standard OperatingProcedure (SOP) based testingwith a built-in comprehensivelibrary of standard test protocolsfor the asphalt industry.

10 Features of the Kinexus DSR Series

• Inductive motor technology:Control of instrument torque

• Precision air bearing:Provides frictionless support between moving parts

• High precision rotational system:Measurement of rotor position and speed

• Precision chuck mechanism:Connects and aligns the measuring system with the motor and bearing assembly

• Upper measuring system:Interfaces with the sample to transfer torque or motion from the motor assembly

• Axial force sensors:Provides the measurement and control of normal force

• Stage drive control:Controlled vertical profiles for sample loading and axial testing

• Integrated electronics:Houses all electronics for controlling rheometer functionality

• Environmental controlcartridge/lowermeasuring system:Provides fast lower geometry interchange, plus temperature and environmental control

• Control panel:Allows rheometer functions to be controlled directly from the instrument

Measuring Systems

• Active hood cartridge(-40°C to +180°C) environmental controller with small thermal gradients for plate measuring systems

• Peltier cylinder cartridge (-30°C to +200°C)environmental controller for concentric cylinder-type measuring systems

• High Temperature Cartridge (HTC) (ambient to 350°C)high temperature environmental controller for cone-plate and parallel plate measuring systems

The unique combination of Kinexus DSR hardware technology and rSpace software gives the user the ability to configure three critical rheometer functions independently:

• Rotational (shear) control –torque, speed and position

• Vertical (axial) control –gap and Normal Force

• Temperature control

Offering the in rheological test flexibility for both industry and academia, Kinexus enables:

• All rotational shear-based testing

• Advanced vertical (axial) testing including squeeze flow and tack testing

• A combination of shear and vertical actions for revolutionary process-relevant measurements

rSpace Software

• Continuous feedback and user guidance at all times

• Ensure rheological practiceAdd specific test controls relevant to your samples

• Produce standard test methods for your samples

• Available for use company-wide

• Consistent operator-independent testing as standard

• Time-Temperature Superposition for master curve generation

• Automatically reports Pass or Fail based on the appropriate test and test criteria

• Report designer with auto print/PDF generation

Kinexus DSR 动态剪切流变仪 (DSR)    Kinexus DSR 动态剪切流变仪 (DSR)



• AASHTO PP6、T315 / ASTM D7175 

• AASHTO T316 / ASTM D4402 

• AASHTO MP19-10、TP70-12、T350 / ASTM D7405 

• AASHTO T313、T368

• AASHTO TP122、TP123、TP125、TP126

• AASHTOM320、M332

• ASTM D6648

• EN 15324、15325


• JTG E20 T 0627-2011


• All modes of operation – stress, shear rateand direct strain controlled oscillation 

• vertical travel and gapping capabilitieswith ultra-responsive and highly sensitive NormalForce for dedicated pull-off, tack and penetrationtesting

• Unique rSpace software interface that offers totalflexibility of test set-up, from sequence-drivenStandard Operating Procedure (SOP)-typefunctionality to fully customizable test design

• Fully integrated materials database enables userfriendly data management that can be tailoredto any organization. Easily tie results by products,projects, customers, vendors, tanks, or locations.Maintain • testing logs and specification limits foracceptance

• Wide variety of measurement geometries optimizedfor rheological characterization of liquid binders tosolid asphalt cores

• Complete sample history recorded from loadingto unloading, ensuring reliable and reproduciblemeasurements

• Unique plug and play cartridge system for allenvironmental controllers – all mechanical, power,communication and fluid connections made inone simple action. Capable of fully automatedcalibration

• Geometry database in conjunction with RFID platerecognition ensures only the correct, in tolerance,plates are used for testing

• Fully automated Statistical Quality Control (SQC)charting with pass/fail analysis tied to any sample

Torque range – viscometry(rate and stress control)5 nNm –225 mNm10 nNm –200 mNm20 nNm –200 mNm100 nNm –150 mNm
Torque range – oscillation(strain and stress control) 1 nNm –225 mNm5 nNm –200 mNm10 nNm –200 mNm100 nNm –150 mNm
Torque resolution0.1 nNm0.1 nNm0.1 nNm0.1 nNm
Position resolution<10 nrad<10 nrad<10 nrad<10 nrad
Step position controlin strain control< 10 ms< 10 ms< 10 ms< 10 ms
Normal force range0.001 N – 50 N 0.001 N – 50 N 0.01 N – 50 N0.01 N – 20 N
Normal force resolution0.5 mN0.5 mN0.5 mN0.5 mN
Normal forceresponse time<10 ms<10 ms<10 ms<10 ms
Vertical lift range(measurable)230 mm230 mm230 mm230 mm

Accessories/Spare Parts

• Active hood cartridge:(-40°C to +180°C) environmental controller with minimized thermal gradients for plate measuring systems

• Peltier cylinder cartridge:(-30°C to +200°C)environmental controller for concentric cylinder-type measuring systems 

• High Temperature Cartridge:(HTC) (ambient to 350°C)high temperature environmental controller for cone-plate and parallel plate measuring systems

• Measuring systems

• Solid fixtures:(-20°C to 200°C dry and fluid immersed (wet)) torsion/dma system including sample mounting and alignment kit

• Crumb rubber kit