B039A ASC-Asphalt Shear Box Compactor
B039A ASC-Asphalt Shear Box Compactor
B039A ASC-Asphalt Shear Box Compactor
B039A ASC-Asphalt Shear Box Compactor
B039A ASC-Asphalt Shear Box Compactor
B039A ASC-Asphalt Shear Box Compactor
- Description:
B039A ASC-Asphalt Shear Box Compactor
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
Italy Matest
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Configuration
  • Software


Electromechanical Shear Box Compactor

STANDARD: ASTM D7981-15 Standard practice for compaction of prismatic asphalt specimens by means of the Shear Box Compactor.The ASC is being used in FHWA Contract “Deployment of Performance-Based Technologies for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design andResource Responsible Materials Design” to fabricate specimens for Level 1 analyses using the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design software. 

It is compactor capable of fabricating specimens for all of the following mechanistic-empirical performance tests:

Dynamic Modulus, AASHTO PP 61

Repeated Load Permanent Deformation, AASHTO TP 79

Flexural Fatigue, AASHTO T321

Low Temperature Creep and Strength, AASHTO T322

B039A 沥青混合料剪切压实仪 (ASC)

A Rugged Design For Specimen Preparation

Asphalt technologists are acutely aware of the importance of a representative specimen during any laboratory performance testing.

Shearing motion of the ASC replicates the conditions offield compaction in order to reproduce the field properties of asphalt,quickly and easily under the controlled conditions of a laboratory.

The ASC compacts large asphalt prisms that can be sawn to producefour to six beams or slabs for laboratory wheel tracking; or the prismcan be cored to produce three to four 100 mm diameter cylinders, allhaving essentially identical properties.

The electronic control unit, with touch screen color display, makes aPC an option.

The user friendly touch-screen icon interface allows for easy set upparameter entry, enables immediate (fully automatic test execution)data acquisition/processing, test report, and data file generation.

A LAN connection to Intranet/Internet enables remote communicationto receive immediate diagnostic analysis and technical support fromMatest technicians, and/or software updates.

B039A 沥青混合料剪切压实仪 (ASC)

压实仪    压实仪


• ASTM D7981-15


• Sturdy fabricated frame combined with machined components

• Servo hydraulic vertical ram with integral hydraulic power supply

• Electro-mechanical shearing motion(user programmable)

• Integral specimen extruder

• Electronic control unit with touch screen color display (no need for PC)

• Unlimited memory storage with: 2 USB ports, 1 SD card slot , RS232/485 serial port

• The compaction cycle can be programmed by specifying vertical stress/load and test termination conditions; Number ofcycles, Specimen height and/or density.

• Load cell(s) for vertical and shear stress measurement

• Optional built-in mould heater

Vertical forceUp to 100kN
Shearing forceUp to 50kN
Shear angle4° ± 0.1°
Shearing cycle rate3±0.1 cycles per minute
Mould width150mm±0.1mm
Mould length450mm±0.1mm
Mould surface finish (inside)Smoother than 0.4µm rms
Mould surface hardnessMore than 48 Rockwell C
Mould capacityApprox. 20 litres
Loading platen width149mm±0.2mm
Loading platen length449mm±0.2mm
Loading platen smoothnessSmoother than 0.4µm rms
Loading platen surface hardnessMore than 48 Rockwell C
Number of cycles100
Vertical stress0.1~1.5MPa±0.01MPa
Compaction height0~200mm±0.1mm
Power supply230V 1ph 50/60HZ
Dimensions788 x 1360 x 1314mm 
Weight1200kg approx

Accessories/Spare Parts



• B039A-02 TRAY (2 off)



• B039A-05 BUILT-IN MOULD HEATER (optional)