The Pavetest Overlay Tester is an electro-mechanical servo-controlled testing machine utilizing digital control of a high performance electro-mechanical actuator to provide accurate loading rates up to 50 mm/minute, designed to determine the susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures to cracking. Applies tension in a cyclic triangular waveform to a constant displacement of 0.6 mm (0.026). The sliding block reaches the displacement and then returns to its initial position in 10 sec. (one cycle). The unit is underpinned by Pavetest’s CDASdigital controller, TestLab software and a full complement of accessories hardware and software in unison.

Technical Feature
• Electro-mechanical unit. The machine applies constant rate ofloading to a specimen that is placed in the load frame.
• The system comprises a load frame, with a load cell, integraldisplacement transducer, insulate cabinet, Control and DataAcquisition System (CDAS). The insulated chamber with smallglass door reduces heat loss whilst providing uninterrupted viewof the specimen.
• Portable temperature control unit. Operator can monitor, setand “auto tune” the temperature controller via the PC.