The Pavetest 25kN Static Testing System (STS-25) is an electro-mechanical servo-controlled testing machine utilizing digital control of a highperformance electro-mechanical actuator to provide loading rates up to 50mm/minute, designed to perform a range of static tests;including: Overlay, SCB, DCT, TSRST and DTT
The STS-25 is underpinned by Pavetest's CDAS digital controller, TestLab software and a full complement of accessories hardwareand software in unison.

Technical Features
• Electro-mechanical unit. The machine applies constant rate ofloading to a specimen that is placed in the load frame.
• The system comprises a load frame, with a load cell, integraldisplacement transducer, insulate cabinet, Control and DataAcquisition System (CDAS). The insulated chamber with smallglass door reduces heat loss whilst providing uninterrupted viewof the specimen.
• Versatile. An optional swivel stand allows the unit to be orientedvertically or horizontally; to suit the application.
• Portable temperature control unit. We offer three models oftemperature control unit, with different temperature ranges, tocover a number of international testing standards.