B225 STS-25 Static testing system
B225 STS-25 Static testing system
B225 STS-25 Static testing system
B225 STS-25 Static testing system
B225 STS-25 Static testing system
B225 STS-25 Static testing system
- Description:
B225 STS-25 Static testing system
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
Italy Matest
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Configuration
  • Software

B225 多功能路面材料静态测试系统 (STS-25)

The Pavetest 25kN Static Testing System (STS-25) is an electro-mechanical servo-controlled testing machine utilizing digital control of a highperformance electro-mechanical actuator to provide loading rates up to 50mm/minute, designed to perform a range of static tests;including: Overlay, SCB, DCT, TSRST and DTT

The STS-25 is underpinned by Pavetest's CDAS digital controller, TestLab software and a full complement of accessories hardwareand software in unison.


Technical Features

• Electro-mechanical unit. The machine applies constant rate ofloading to a specimen that is placed in the load frame.

• The system comprises a load frame, with a load cell, integraldisplacement transducer, insulate cabinet, Control and DataAcquisition System (CDAS). The insulated chamber with smallglass door reduces heat loss whilst providing uninterrupted viewof the specimen.

• Versatile. An optional swivel stand allows the unit to be orientedvertically or horizontally; to suit the application.

• Portable temperature control unit. We offer three models oftemperature control unit, with different temperature ranges, tocover a number of international testing standards.


• ASTM 07313-07a

• AASHTO TP105-13


• ASTM D8044

• ASTM WK 26816

• AASHTO T 314-12 

• AASHTO TP10-1993 

• TxDOT_Tex-248-F

• JTGE20 T 0629、T 0715、T 0728、T 0771、T 0772、T 0775、T 0776


• Compact, fully self-contained, precisionengineered unit

• Precision electro-mechanical actuator (silentoperation)

• Suitable for a range of testing protocols

• A range of two piece climatic chambers

• Operator can monitor, set and “Auto tune” thetemperature controller via the PC

• Optional swivel stand allows the unit to be orientedvertically or horizontally

DescriptionTechnical Specification
Load CapacityUp to 25kN
Actuator stroke


Testing space400mm
Loading rate0.3mm/min~ 50mm/min

Temperature range

thermoelectric unit:10℃~ 60℃

refrigeration unit:-20℃~ 80℃ or -40℃~ 80℃

Mains Power

230V 50-60Hz 1ph (B225)

230V 50-60Hz 1ph (thermoelectric unit)

230V 50Hz 1ph (refrigeration unit)


• Rigid two column load frame

• 25 kN electro-mechanical actuator (30 mm stroke)

• 8 channel Control and Data Acquisition System (CDAS) &TestLab software

• Load cell (± 30 kN)

• 30 mm actuator LVDT

Accessories/Spare Parts

Needed Accessories

• B225-01 Temperature controlled cabinet - TE UNIT.+10 °C to +60 °C TO SUIT STS-25 or

• B225-02H Temperature controlled cabinet - REFR. UNIT.Horizontal configuration: -20 °C to +80 °C to suit STS-25 or

• B225-03H Temperature controlled cabinet - REFR. UNIT.Horizontal configuration: -40 °C to +80 °C to suit STS-25 or

• B225-02V Temperature controlled cabinet - REFR. UNIT.Vertical configuration: -20 °C to +80 °C to suit STS-25 or

• B225-03V Temperature controlled cabinet - REFR. UNIT.Vertical configuration: -40 °C to +80 °C to suit STS-25

Optional Accessories

• H009-01EN PC 22" with lcd screen

• B250-07-KIT Temperature measuring KIT

• B225-04 swivel stand (only for B225-01)