We can upgrade your existing UTM (also from other manufacturers)
The DTS-30 Dynamic Testing System is a servo-hydraulic testing machine utilizing digital control of a high performance servo valve to provideaccurate loading wave shapes up to 100 Hz. The DTS-30 can be operated in tension, compression dynamic loading and is suited to testinga diverse range of materials such as asphalt, soil, unbound granular materials, fibres and plastics. The DTS-30 is underpinned by Pavetest’s CDAS digital controller, TestLab software and a full complement of accessories, hardware and software in unison.
The DTS-30 Dynamic Testing System is compact, fully integrated, user and environmentally friendly.
Technical Features
• The DTS-30 fatigue rated, servo-hydraulic actuator utilizes metal labyrinth bearings and seals
The labyrinth bearings and seals are designed to reduce friction and maintain low operating temperatures.
The bearings experience little-to-no wear, operate at high speeds and offer a long service life.
• A bottom loading machine. Before this current crop of universal testing machines, many dynamic testing machines were bottom loading.More recently, the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) changed the mindset of the testing community by highlighting the benefits of abottom loading machine.
• Portable temperature control unit. The temperature control unit attaches to the test chamber using a magnetic seal and can be wheeledaway when not required or for servicing. It can be removed without dismantling the machine or disrupting the testing program.
Can't see the Control and Data Acquisition System (CDAS)?
That's because it's housedneatly, in the cabinet in front of the machine.
You won't see a tangle of cables either; they enter the cabinet through the floor of the testchamber or through the back of the cabinet and connect to the CDAS.The door of the cabinet can be held ajar to allow transducers to be re-allocated or openedcompletely for servicing. Unused transducers can also be stored out of harm’s way.Moreover, the DTS-30 reaction frame is symmetrical; the servo-hydraulic actuator andreaction shaft can be interchanged to make the DTS-30 top loading.