Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus
Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus
Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus
Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus
Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus
- Description:
Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
Italy Matest
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Configuration

Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus

Matest offers the possibility of testing the permeability and impermeability of cubic or cylindrical concrete specimens thanks to specific adjustable pressure equipment that is connected directly to the water supply.

The permeability test involves the use of a system that allows to collect and measure the filtered water through the concrete sample at a certain pressure value.

The waterproof test allows to calculate the depth of penetration of the water inside the specimen in a predetermined period of time and at a specific pressure value.

This fully automatic apparatus is designed to perform water permeability tests on cubic concrete specimens 150 mm side and cylinder specimens 160 mm diameter. The specimens are submitted to hydrostatic stress for a pre-set period. The water permeated through the test specimen is directly collected and measured into a graduated cylinder.

It is therefore possible to determine the permeability coefficient in cm/sec. (Darcy coefficient) by the following formula:


The equipment consists of a strong metallic frame holding four cells which are hot-galvanized for anti-corrosion protection. Each cell includes a pressure control manometer. A re-chargeable compensation plenum chamber is included as part of the test.

The pressure is adjustable from 0 to 30 bar and it is supplied by an automatic pump of variable supply, to achieve the suitable installation for the specimen under test. Water feed is direct from water inlet.

Seal pressure obtained through special and practical seal devices which maintain and simplify the use of the machine. It is possible to use one or more cells together, and specimens also of different size (cubes/cylinders). The specimen’s sealing system is achieved through a practical and speedy, user-friendly device.

Supplied complete with four cells, four graduated cylinders, epoxy resin and accessories. The sealing devices are not included in the standard package and be ordered separately.

Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus

C435 Concrete water impermeability apparatus, 3 place version

Determination Of Penetration's Depth Of Water Under Pressure,This apparatus is used to determine the depth of penetration of the water into the concrete (impermeability) under known time and pressure.The unit accepts concrete cubic, cylindrical or prismatic specimens having. dimensions of 200x200x200 mm. The specimen is put into the test chamber, clamped with suitable flanges with central screw and round gaskets. A known water pressure is applied on the specimen’s surface for a known time, as requested by Standard, using a suitable air compressor having at least 5 bar pressure.

A manometer checks constantly the applied water pressure. The apparatus is supplied complete with graduated burettes fixed on the front panel. The water penetrated is measured by breaking the specimen, or by reading the water permeated through the graduated burette. 3 place version: The places can be used all-together at the same time, or one by one independently. It is also available the model C435SP, same as C435 but having 3 separate pressure lines.

Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus

C435-01Concrete water impermeability apparatus, 6 place version

Determination Of Penetration's Depth Of Water Under Pressure. This apparatus is used to determine the depth of penetration of the water into the concrete (impermeability) under known time and pressure. The unit accepts concrete cubic, cylindrical or prismatic specimens having. dimensions of 200x200x200 mm. The specimen is put into the test chamber, clamped with suitable flanges with central screw and round gaskets. A known water pressure is applied on the specimen’s surface for a known time, as requested by Standard, using a suitable air compressor having at least 5 bar pressure.

A manometer checks constantly the applied water pressure. The apparatus is supplied complete with graduated burettes fixed on the front panel. The water penetrated is measured by breaking the specimen, or by reading the water permeated through the graduated burette. 6 place version: The places can be used all-together at the same time, or one by one independently.

Dimensions:1400x750x1850 mm

Weight: 430 Kg approx.


• EN 12390-8 

• DIN 1048


• The pressure is adjustable from 0 to 30 bar and it is supplied by an automatic pump of variable supply, to achieve the suitable installation for the specimen under test

• It is possible to use one or more cells together, and specimens also of different size (cubes/cylinders)

• The specimen’s sealing system is achieved through a practical and speedy, user-friendly device

DescriptionTechnical Specification
Dimensions2500 x 500 x 1300 mm
Weight240kg approx
Power supply230V 1ph 50Hz


Needed Accessories

Sealing Device, complete with rubber latex packing which is between the two hot-galvanized steel collars. Complete with bolts

C432-01 Sealing Device For Cubes 100 mm side 

C432-02 Sealing Device For Cubes 150 mm side 

C432-04 Sealing Device For Cylinders Ø 100 mm

C432-05 Sealing Device For Cylinders Ø 150 mm

C432-06 Sealing Device For Cylinders Ø 160 mm

Spare: C433 Epoxy resin, to isolate the lateral surfaces of the concrete specimen. Can of 5 kg