APS (Wille Geotechnik®) has been successfully manufacturing and providing variety range of triaxialtesting systems for geotechnical applications for many years in different ranges. These products givea lot of flexibilities to the users to run tests with high accuracy and add differentupgrading module to system to reach the required testing applications. The temperature control package with the high accuracy and performance makes the possibilityto run the tests under different temperature conditions from frozen tests up to high temperatureones. A unique and flexible software along with components bring you different possibilitiesto use the device and run your test in a better way.
This series of Soil triaxial testing systems aredesigned and manufactured to perform stresspath triaxial testing on soil under differenttemperature conditions.Many tests requiretemperature controlling of specimen either forhigh temperature or for low temperatures andthis requires a wee designed system which wouldbe able to avoid any temperature gradient insample during tests and make a unique constanttemperature condition during tests.
The system can be customised in variety testconditions e.g. Static or Cyclic loads with electromechanical or hydraulic loading actuator, Low cellpressure or high- cells pressure up to 32MPa, Lowtemperature tests or/and high temperature testswhich all can be configured together to meet thetest requirements.The temperature controllingsystem can control the temperature of sample inrange of -30 °C to +200 °C.
We use dedicate solution for temperaturecontrolling of the cell which is double wallTemperature cell (DWTC) and there is no need touse Internal coil for heating / cooling which takesspace inside the cell and makes a difficult situationto install internal strain measuring devices.The powerful GEOsys software supports all thetest procedures with well access to all testingsessions and also gives this feature to manageand run customized test procedures per as anytesting needs.

System Geography
① Servo-Hydraulic Load Frame
② Hydraulic Power pack
③ Triaxial Cell (THM Version)
④ Pneumatic Sliding mechanism for easy handling of cell
⑤ Cyclic Volume Pressure controllers for Cell Pressures
⑥ Cyclic Volume Pressure controllers for back Pressures
⑦ Heating and cooling systems controlled by GEOsys software
⑧ Dynamic Controller
⑨ Software enables all kinds of static and cyclic Triaxial Tests
Load Frame
The load frames of the brand mark Wille Geotechnik® incorporate an extensive range of features makingthem ideal for performing either complex or ordinary soil testing applications and are characterizedby their robust, functional design. We manufacture different types of load frames to perform staticor cyclic loads on sample and these load frames covers extensive range of load and frequencies forgeomechanics tests. Static electroemchanical system covers the loading system up to 200kN and the cyclic series come ineither electromechanical or servo hydraulic version to enable users to select their required load simplyamong those models
• Static electromechanical load frame up to 200kN
• Cyclic electromechanical load frame up to 60kN-5Hz / 25kN-10Hz
• Dynamic servo-hydraulic load frame up to 1000kN and frequency of 40Hz
Temperature Control Triaxial Cell(Double wall Type)
This series of cells use a special double wall technique which gives the high performance of temperature controlling of sample with small temperature gradient along of the sample
The temperature is controlled by a double wall cell or cooling/heating elements inside the body of cell in connection with a high accuracy thermostat/water bath with closed loop controlled of temperature. This gives a great advantage to lift cell wall easily with heating/cooling elements together. In conventional methods, the user lift cell and also internal coils as well which takes longer time.
In Double wall method (DWTC) there is no need of internal coils for heating/cooling to be placed around of sample which takes inner space of triaxial cell and makes the test set up longer and more difficult. The space saved by double wall method can be used for internal on sample transducer and makes inconvenient conditions to install on sample transducers. This is designed for testing the shear and creep characteristics of soil samples or any other granular or solid material (e.g. granites, evaporates, cemented tills or clays) under triaxial stress conditions.
The cell with relevant accessories allows the user to control and monitor the temperature inside the triaxial cell in different ranges e.g:
• -30 °C to Ambient temperature
• From ambient temperatures to +200°C
• From -30°C to 200°C

Temperature Control Device(Heating-Cooling)
The refrigerated Heating Circulator Bath with air-cooled cooling machine is suitable for controlling the temperature of externally connected objects/applications and thermoregulation of objects directly in the thermostat bath.
• temperature control
• Insulated baths made of stainless steel
• Large display 5.7” touchscreen with graphic functions and a comfortable navigation menu
• Multi-touch controller with Plug & Play technology
• Powerful pressure/suction pump
• All-important operating parameters and temperature values are neatly displayed on the touchscreen
• Integrated USB and Ethernet ports allows connection to a PC or network, e.g. for remote control or data transmission
• 5-point calibration
• Pt100 sensor connection
• The circulator is fitted with a temperature-controlled cover plate to avoid the formation of condensation and ice

Static Cell And Back Pressure System
The cell and back pressure can be generated and controlled automatically by different configurations depends on the testing applications, laboratory utilities and technical requirements in a variety range of pressure and for different applications With both below configuration which automatic and are controlled via PC, Tests such as Saturation, stress/strain path, permeability, K0 and other tests can be easily performed with accuracy and precision.
A) Air Pressure Controller (APC)
The standard configuration of this series includes of one-off Air pressure controller (APC) to generate air pressures (e.g. confining and pore pressure), two-off Air/Water Bladder which acts as an interface to exchange pneumatic pressure into hydraulic pressure and one -off automatic water volume measuring device to measure volume changes.
This system is fully automatic system and is controlled via PC and dedicated software.
Working pressure: 2 MPa Pressure outlet:3 for inner cell, outer cell and backpressure
B) Volume Pressure Controller (VPC)
This method included of two Volume Pressure controllers for applying back pressure and Cell pressure. These are syringe pulse-less pumps which generate and regulate pressure and provide flow control in a variety range for different testing requirements.
The control of the units is simply done via Touch-panel for stand-alone use or via PC and dedicated software. This making them very convenient and easy to operate.
Digital Controller
Digital High-Speed High Resolution Expandable Real Time Control and data acquisition System 10KHz control and data acquisition and 24 bit resolution. The Dynamic controller is suitable for screw driven instruments(electromechanical) , hydraulic instruments with a valve driven with ±10 Volt and variety of sensors e.g. load cells, LVDTs, strain gauges, extensometers, thermocouples and etc.
The multi-functionality of the controller allows a modular design of the measurement and control parameters (sensors) via intelligent sensor plug, which store the calibration parameters, thus depending on the application can be used flexibly.

Main Features
• Up to 32 low-noise closed-loop control channels for static and dynamic tests
• up to 24-bit resolution channels for each test axis (e.g. force, displacement, pressure, strain)
• With digital controller parameterization and bumpless switching between all control functions
• Smooth changeover between all control functions
• Complete, simultaneous data transmission to avoid any data loss
• Digital adjustable controller parameters (P-I-D parameter)
• Simple and flexible test or setpoint parameter adjustment
• I/0 processing of externally connected
• Configuration and setup with PC software