Germany WILLE This electromechanical test apparatus is a robust construction device including of high-quality mechanic and electronic components which produces repeatable test results and the excellent quality makes it suitable for research and also usual test applications. It applies vertical and horizontal independent loads by electromechanical actuators which enables each axis to be controlled in displacement(strain or velocity) mode as well as load control. The apparatus with reversible electromechanical motor is used for direct shear tests and also residual strength test.
The apparatus comes in two models, one is benchtop and another one is standalone unit. The bench type has a small footprint. Both are suitable for testing of shear parameters of soil e.g. Cohesion and the effective friction angle. The main advantage of device is an accura tetesting of soil parameters without tilting and friction between shear box components (e. g. load piston, upper shear box, lower shear box).The normal stress and the shear stress are closed loop controlled by an electromechanical drive system.
The set-up of the test parameters can be done either via the front operational panel which includes of control buttons and function keys with LCD display or directly by software. In the Direct shear test a cuboid or circular specimen is installed in a shear box which consist of two parts and subjected to vertical and horizontal stresses. The upper shear box is fixed, and lower part is moving against this fixed box therefore a shear surface would be generated, in which a shear stress builds up. The shear box prevents the sample to have lateral expansion. GEOsys software in combination with this unit performs all your tests automatically and without operator assistance during the test period.

System Geography
① Electromechanical Stiff stand-alone Load frame
② Electromechanical Stiff benchtop Load frame
③ Two columns
④ Upper traverse
⑤ Front operational panel includes of control buttons, function buttons and LCD display
⑥ Axial Load cell
⑦ Axial displacement transducer
⑧ Direct Shear Box
⑨ On-0ff switch button
⑩ Stop button
Benchtop Direct-Residual Shear Apparatus
This tabletop direct shear device is an automated compact apparatus with small footprint and is suitable for direct shear residual tests up to 100x100mm specimen size with fully operation stand-alone via front panel and hardware buttons or directly with software. The device has two electromechanical loading unit includes of stepper motor and gearbox which applies normal stress and shear stress on sample with closed loop control function. This compact device eliminated the manual loading for dead weights or pneumatic version which needs air pressure for operation.
The Apparatus includes of two Calibrated high precision load transducer with integrated amplifier for measuring axial normal stress and shear stress with Accuracy class 0.1% and resolution of 0.1 N. It has also two precision vertical displacement transducer and shear displacement transducer with Accuracy class of 0.1 %, resolution of 0.001 mm and required travel range of the customer.
The Lower part of shear box is locating on a low friction bearing and moves with the small friction just in horizontal direction.
The apparatus is used to determine soil strength parameter i.e. effective Cohesion (c) of the soil, angle of Friction or Angle of Shearing Resistance (φ) and can also be used to determine the residual shear strength parameters, i.e. cohesion (cR) and angle of friction (φR).

Standalone Direct-Residual Shear Apparatus
This robust and high stiff apparatus is including of hig-hquality mechanic and electronic components which produces repeatable test results and the quality makes it suitable for research and also usual test applications.
This ASA model has a double cross bar for performance of tests and result of frictionless tests. This function enable device to get upgraded with different test jigs and inserts to run below tests with high accuracy: • Uniaxial direct Test • Simple Shear Test • Soil triaxial Test • Oedometer- Consolidation Test
The Lower part of shear box is locating on a low friction bearing and moves with the small friction just in horizontal direction. All above functions makes it a unique device for research applications.
The electromechanical drive with high resolution and closed loop control rate generates closed-loop strain and stress controlled static axial load and strain and in addition stress-controlled shear forces.
The apparatus is used to determine soil strength parameter i.e. effective Cohesion (c) of the soil, angle of Friction or Angle of Shearing Resistance (φ) and can also be used to determine the residual shear strength parameters, i.e. cohesion (cR) and angle of friction (φR).
The Apparatus includes of two Calibrated high precision load transducer with integrated amplifier for measuring axial normal stress and shear stress with Accuracy class 0.1% and resolution of 0.1 N. It has also two precision vertical displacement transducer and shear displacement transducer with Accuracy class of 0.1 %, resolution of 0.001 mm and required travel range of the customer.

Shear Box
The complete shear box system is made of stainless steel and is designed to contain water that surrounds the specimen and allows the specimen to be submerged for saturate conditions. The shear box consists of lower and upper shear boxes with rigid wall either in round or square shape, adaptor loading pad, two porous plates, load piston, sample cutter, dolly and water container for saturated conditions. The Lower part of shear box is locating on a low friction bearing and moves with the small friction just in horizontal direction while the upper shear box is fixed.
The Shear box comes in different sizes e.g. :
• Square:60 x 60 mm ( 36c㎡)
• Square:100 x 100 mm (100c㎡)
• Circular:Ø 60 mm (28.27c㎡)
• Circular:Ø 71.4 mm (40c㎡)
• Circular:Ø 80 mm (50c㎡)
• Circular:Ø 94.4 mm (70c㎡)

SIEMENS Industrial Controller
The operation of the device requires the direct input of numerical values besides the use of the function keys. The control element made by Siemens Company is an advanced control panel which allows the user to enter the numerical values and control the system by other function keys easily. You need just to enter the values and press the run Key to start the operation.
The operator panel gives the user access to all functions in the operation and service menu. This enables the user to start and run the pump as well as conduct calibration if needed. These controls are instinctive and simple to use. All functions, such as actual status, flow rate and information on the pressure pumping ramp can be seen on the LCD display on the front of the device.

Main Features
• Graphic display including 10 input membrane keys
• Setting force or position manually
• CE mark
• Ethernet interface
• 22 available different languages
• Multi language menu navigation
• Calibration function
• 4 free analogue Ports with A/D converter (interface+ /- 10 VDC)
Control Parameters
The normal load (axial) can be operated in constant, ramp or cycle modes in three different operating modes: • Velocity control • Force control • Displacement control
The Shear load (Horizontal) can also be operated in constant, ramp or cycle modes in three different operating modes: • Velocity control • Force control • Displacement control
The set-up of the test parameters can be done either via the front operational panel which includes of control buttons and function buttons with LCD display or directly by software.