The bender element test system includesof the 2 piezo-ceramic elements, electronicbox and software which allows to measurethe shear modulus of the soilsample (Gmax). It is designed for usage indifferent testing devices e.g., triaxial cells,consolidation cells, and shear devices. Bymeasuring the velocities of shear wavesin three different orientations, namelySvh, Shv, and Shh, it becomes possibleto calculate Gmax (Gvh, Ghv, and Ghh) inTriaxial cells for different sample sizes.
For all specimen diameters from 35 to 300 mm or customized sizes.
Exchangeable Bender-Element-Set for any specimen, designed for usage in triaxial cells, consolidation cells simple-shear or standard shear devices.
The set consists of pairs of piezo-ceramic elements, connected into a special exchangeable adapter solution (without specimen adapter), which are implemented in top and bottom plates of the specimen adapter (e.g. of triaxial cells)
waveform software
Full waveform building tools including standard waveforms, mathematical expressions and freehand drawing
Operates under Windows, Linux and Mac plattforms