Resonant Column Apparatus
Resonant Column Apparatus
Resonant Column Apparatus
Resonant Column Apparatus
Resonant Column Apparatus
Resonant Column Apparatus
- Description:
Resonant Column Apparatus
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
APS-WILLE Geotechnik
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Software
  • Upgrade Option


The Wille Geotechnik Resonant Column is a highquality apparatus for measuring the low-shearStrain (less than 0.001%) or elastic modulus anddamping properties of materials (e.g. wide varietyof soils, rocks, Asphalt, etc) for solid- or hollowcylindrical samples under confined condition.

It works based on the theory of wave propagationand used to vibrate the top of the soil specimenThe device can work under two differentboundary conditions, so called free-free and fixfree conditions, which depends desiredstrain that operator wants to start RC experiment. 

Users can control the system with a dedicatedsoftware installed on user’s computer (Windows,Linux or Mac operating system.).The software isuser friendly and operator can easily control all ofcomponents of system. The procedure of runningthe test is simplifies by the software and muchkind of tests can apply by this software.

The device can run the tests on soils, includingmixtures of clays, silts and sands, and othermaterials (excluding Rock), and also possible todo test on organic soils (soft soil).

General Description

The Wille resonant column is equipped for isotropic and as an option for anisotropic tests. Also this apparatuscan be upgraded to perform experiments in unsaturated condition. Several other upgrading options are availableon client’s request.

共振柱仪    共振柱试验仪

Device Geography

① Pressure cell

② Lifting frame for easy cell top removal

③ Heavy base plate to reduce vibration

④ Resonant column Driving /measuring unit

⑤ Anisotropic test(optional) / Axial loading unit

⑥ Inner cell

⑦ Automatic Pressure controlling system

⑧ Automatic Volume Measuring device

⑨ Data acquisition And Power Amplifier Unit

⑩ Calibration rods

Resonant Column Driving /Measuring Unit (Excitation Unit)

The driving system is designed andmanufactured with a really low weight andcompact size to avoid even small stressanisotropy which results from the weightof the excitation part. 

The driving system consists of two lightmini-actuators which decrease the extraweight on the top of the sample significantlyin comparison with the existing devices inmarket. 

This high precision torsional drive systemused to vibrate the top of the confinedsolid or hollow cylindrical soil specimen toget the resonant frequency of specimen, frequency of 3000 Hz.


Anisotropic Test/ Axial Loading Unit (Optional)

The main device during construction can beupgraded to Anisotropic test with Automaticsoftware controlled loading system e.g. pneumaticor electromechanical actuator to apply load fromtop of the sample with high capability for verticaldeformation up to 8 kN.

With this option, the user does not need to haveanother set up for anisotropic tests.


Triaxial Pressure Cell

Advanced special high quality Transparentstainless steel triaxial gaseous cells are availablefor samples with diameters between 38 to 100mm and height 2 times greater than diameter instandard set up. There is 150mm diameter Triaxialcell available as well for large sample sizes.

The cell has enough room to install internaltransducers or modification of the device foranisotropic and unsaturated tests. capacity of 2000 kPa is provided in order to coverall ranges of required cell pressure for ResonantColumn tests (Transparent version).

It includes of pressure resistance Through portsfor internal transducers for direct measurementat the sample like internal displacement, noncontact sensors, force sensors and etc. The cellcomes with Adapter-Set for requested samplediameters consisting of top plate, stainless steelbottom plate, hose connections, porous discs,and O-rings.


Inner Cell

The resonant column cell comes with an inner cellto surround sample with water or silicon oil, toavoid air (confining pressure gas ) penetrating therubber membrane into the sample.

The double cell does allow us to have water in theinner cell up to the top cap with a layer of siliconoil on top of the water. The outer cell confiningpressure is air. The water in the inner cell isto prevent air diffusion through the specimenmembrane and the silicon oil is to prevent airentering the water. This Inner cell is made of special transparentplexi-glass and can easily installed or removed in working time.


Sample Preparation Set

For each sample size, a sample preparation kitwould be delivered to enable the users to preparesample for the test.

Sample preparation kit for is Including of: • split former for non-cohesive materials • O-ring stretcher • Numbers of O-ring • suction sleeve device for cohesive materials • 100 pices of filter paper • numbers of membrane 


Automatic Pressure Controlling System (vpc)

Fully automatic computer controlledMicroprocessor closed loop controlled airpressure-actuator with minimum one outputpressure port up to three independent outputpressure ports is used to generate cell pressure,back pressure, anisotropic pneumatic actuator orair pressure(unsaturated tests).

output Pressure:2000 kPa

Resolution:0.1 kPa

Pressure outlets:1, 2 or 3 outlets

Direct, menu-driven control through PC and alsothrough the integrated control touch panel ondevice.Fully automatic pressure adjustment throughintegrated SIEMENS-controller.


Calibration Set
In order to perform calibration, it is necessary to havethree aluminum calibration rods whose mechanicalproperties are known with diameter of 20 mm, 33 mmand 50 mm.

A Resonant test is performed on a calibration bar(calibration bar is located in place of the Specimen) inorder to determine polar mass moment of inertia ofdriving system Jo and JL.


Lifting Frame For Easy Cell Top Removal

Allows user to safely and easily move the Triaxial cell wall by using a mechanical Lifting System which isconnected to Triaxial cell (pulley and cable).No need to use any crane for cell removal.


Automatic Volume Measuring Device

High accuracy automatic Electronic VolumeChange Measuring device with control paneland capacity of 1700 kPa, 100 ml, Resolution:0.001/100 ml, Linearity: < 0.1 %


Data Acquisition And Power Amplifier Unit

The data acquisition unit and Power amplifier both are located in a box as a single unit for collectingdifferent measuring values like force, displacement, pressure, frequency, temperature and etc.Transducers and sensors providing analogous signals can be connected easily to the unit. 

The power amplifier with high precision torsional drive system used to vibrate the top of the confinedsolid or hollow cylindrical soil specimen at frequencies up to 3000 Hz.



• ASTM D4015-2000


• Isotropic Test conditions

• Anisotropic test with pneumatic actuator to apply load from top of the sample with high capability for vertical deformation

• True Fixed-Free or Free-Free Fix-Free: bottom is completely fix and top is completely free in vibration,Free-Free: bottom and top are completelyfree in vibration

• Hollow or solid specimen from 38mm to100mm

• Custom sample sizes e.g 150 mm diameterand height of 300 mm are available

• Adjustable drive mechanism for soft soils up to 20mm settlement (Large Vertical Specimen deformation)

• Special-Transparent double –wall Triaxial cell for pressures up to 1000 kPa (gaseous cell pressure)

• Upgrade cell pressure up to 3 Mpa

• Inner cell for silicon oil or water (to aid membrane sealing) to avoid air penetrating the membrane into the sample

• Does not need any electronics such asoscilloscope or function generator

• Power amplifier, data acquisition and software modules

• The tests which performed by this software are:Resonance in Torsion、Resonance in Flexure、Resonant in normal(optional) 

DescriptionTechnical Specification
Diameter of sample 38 / 70 / 100 and 150mm
Cell pressure 1000 kPa / 2000 kPa / 3000 kPa (higher available)
Torsional frequencyup to 3000Hz

Applied pore pressure

1000 kPa  (higher available)
Type of testsIsotropic and Anisotropic
torque1.26 Nm (upgradeable to 2.5 Nm)
Strain Measurement10-5
Strain Measurement1%


The device has a dedicated advances Windows based software which controls all parameters and is user friendlysoftware which is capable to measure shear strain, stiffness and damping ratio.

Furthermore, this software includes Filter settings that user can easily eliminate noises from the signals duringtest at low amplitude by using appropriate filter. It simplifies the usage of the device by providing a simple andaccurate way to have all test results.

The software applies the input vibration with sweeping the frequency from low to high values. Applied motionsand the response of the samples are measured from acceleration and noncontact displacement transducers (Ifhardware is available). Then a continuous response curve is automatically constructed by the software.


Software Features

The software is capable to measuring, control, or calculating the following parameters:

• Resonant Frequency(Hz): i) manually and ii)automatically

• shear stiffness (Strain dependent), G

• Young's modulus (E) (If required hardware isordered)

• density (ρ)

• Damping (D) ratio using three methods:1. Damping ratio using bandwidth method (halfpower method)  2. Damping ratio using free vibration DecayMethod  3. Damping ratio using Lissajous Figure (energymethod)

• Poisson’s ratio (u) (If required hardware is ordered)

• Resonant Frequency using two methods: 1. amplitude-frequency curve  2. phase difference between signals  

• calibration examples

• FFT-Control Measured Signal

• FFT Fast Fourier Transform for determining thesignal frequency)

Input Page This page consists of three subsections:

Signal Filtering:The software has appropriated signal filtering toremove noise and over sampling with differentmethods which will be adopted by user: Low pass、High pass、Band pass、Band stop

Sample Parameters:In this part size of mass of sample will be assigned.

Data Analogue Input:Four accelerometers and force sensorscan be defined for software,Three non-contact transduces can bedefined for measuring vertical deformationof sample and torsional strain of sample, Boundary condition of sample (fixfree or free-free) will be defined


Shear Strain

Method 1: shear strain is calculated based on therecorded signals from accelerometer (commonmethod in the resonant column)

Method 2: shear strain is calculated based onthe recorded deformation from the non-contacttransducer

Shear Stiffness (Strain Dependent), G

Shear stiffness is calculated using the bandwidthmethod, although the recorded hysteretic loop inthe software using the force and accelerometersignals can be also used to estimate shearstiffness.

Damping Ratio, D

Damping ratio can be measured using threealternative methods which makes this softwareunique:

• Damping ratio using bandwidth method (halfpower method)

• Damping ratio using Lissajous Figure (energymethod)

• Damping ratio using free vibration Decay Method

These methods are presented and calculated in thedifferent pages in the software. The data are recordedand saved for the further calculations


Example for Method 1 and 2; Damping ratio using bandwidth method

(half power method); Damping ratio using Lissajous Figure (energy method)

Method 3: Free Vibration Method And Monitoring Signals:

Monitoring signals with respect to time (timedependence)

Monitoring peak of cycles during free vibrationdecay

Monitoring signals from accelerometer versussignals from force sensors (Lissajous curve)


Upgrade Option

• Automatic Pressure / Volume Controller (vpc)

Automatic Electromechanical pressure volumecontroller is a syringe pulse-less pump whichprecisely generate and regulate pressure andprovide flow control precisely in a variety rangefor different applications e.g. cell pressure, backpressure or air pressure for unsaturated tests.

Different modes of pressure control e.g. constantpressure, pressure ramps, constant volume flow isavailable with using of this pump. It has Compactand space saving design (for wall-mounting ortable use) and has different modes of pressurecontrol (e.g. constant pressure, pressure ramps,constant volume flow).


• Water De-Airing Apparatus

This compact unit provides de-aired water with anextremely low level of gas content, as it is demandedfor different tests with standard volume capacity from20 Litre.


• Environmental Temperature Chamber

The cell made of steel and designed for differentrange of temperatures is available in different sizes asadditional option to perform the tests under varietyrange of temperatures from -25 ° C to +80° C (Othertemperature range is available on request).Due to the PC-control of temperature unit ,any kind oftemperature test sequences can be performed.
