APS (Wille Geotechnik®) is manufacturing and providing variety range of electromechanical orservo hydraulic loading systems in variety range of load/torque and frequencies for many yearswhich enable us to cover all needs of the users for testing small and large sample sizes for differentapplications.This machine gives a lot of flexibilities to the users to run complex tests accuracy and and add different upgrading module to system to configure therequired testing applications.
The high-quality actuator in combination with operating software is able to generate and applydifferent types of loading waveform can be given to the sample e.g. Sinusoidal, Square, Triangular,Rectangle, Ramp signal and user defined waveform.Our system comes with a powerful dynamic controller up to 10KHz -24 bit and this makes a uniquefeature for our machines in dynamic testing field. A unique and flexible software along with components bring you different possibilities to use the device and run your test in a better way.
The Hollow Cylinder Apparatus enables theoperator to apply rotational displacement andtorque to a hollow cylindrical or soil specimen ofsoil. This modular testing apparatus is suitablefor static and dynamic test and can simulate thecomplex loading conditions at a point in a soilSpecimen. The device can also be used as a cyclictriaxial testing device by changing the upper andlower pedestals into solid ones. It is capable oftesting axial strain levels lower than 0.00001 %.
In electromechanical system both axial and torqueis applied from the bottom of the sample andthe top of sample is free and in servo hydraulicapparatus the axial laod/torque actuator islocated on upper traverse.
There is the possibility to control the magnitudeand direction of the three principal stresses.As example the following parameters can beinvestigated:
• Anisotropy of soil samples
• Effects of principal stress rotation
• Effects of intermediate principal stress
Thanks to the powerful multifunction GEOsyssoftware which allows the simply programmingof complex user defined test sequences bystructured Windows operation on a graphic userinterface and state of the art apparatus of hollowcylinder test.
users are able to simulate the realfield conditions on laboratory and do the testsunder variety of these conditions and study thebehaviour of the soil under required conditionsby applying wide range of stress/strain paths.

System Geography
① Cyclic Electromechanical Load Frame for axial and torsional load
② Triaxial Cell
③ Local transducers
④ Cell wall Lifting mechanism
⑤ Automatic Volume Pressure controllers (VPC) for back Pressures
⑥ Automatic Pressure controller (APC) for inner cell and outer cell Pressures
⑦ Automatic volume measuring burette
⑧ Advanced Dynamic Controller
⑨ Software enables all kinds of static and cyclic Tests
Electromechanical Load Frame
The apparatus has a real-time synchronized backlashelectromechanical servo-motor drive system for axial andtorsional load.In this loading frame the axial and torsionalload actuators are located in base of the frame and load areapplied from the bottom of triaxial cell. At top of cell there isa free operating space to facilitate installation of sample, orinternal sensors or etc.
The frame has excellent rigidity for cyclic axial and torsionalload up to highest frequency. The apparatus has a liftingmechanism for triaxial cell which enables the users to setup the sample and the cell easier(no need to have frameor counter balance).The powerful multifunctional GEOsysSoftware supports all the test procedures with a wellaccess to all testing sessions.
The control panel is used to control the axial load, whichconsists of the Main switch, Emergency stop switch, Startbutton.The system includes a special load pistonconstruction to compensate cell-pressure changesaffected by the volume change of the movement ofpiston in and out of the triaxial cell during cyclic tests. Itgives an accurate control of defined phase shift controlbetween the dynamic axis.The servo-motor built in encodersdirectly measurement the axial and angle measurement.

Servohydraulic Load Frame
This 2-column load frame is designed for to perform the teston larger sample sizes which requires higher dynamic loadand torque range than electromechanical machines.
The testing actuator which is double acting lowfriction one is mounted on the upper crosshead and the loadframe is a rigid construction with high stiffness and precisionalignment with convenient working height.
The Wide column spacing enables to accommodate largecells up to 300 or even 500mm O.D even with environmentalchambers and furnace. The actuator is located at uppercrosshead and the power supply unit is located in specialacoustic enclosure.
The cylinder and all its accessories have been enclosed forprotection (if required). After adjusting cross beam, it can befastened manually on the chrome-plated shafts. Thus, thecross beam can be moved to and fastened at all requiredheights.
There is a variety range of load/Torque which is coveredby this series of load frames. When you have any testingapplications, we can assist you in configuring a system tomeet your test requirements.

Hydraulic Power Pack
Our series of hydraulic power-packs supplysmooth hydraulic fluid to actuators, hydraulicpressure intensifiers, and servo hydraulic testingmachines to meet their testing system demands.
As the dynamic performance of a hydraulicsystem depends on input oil flow and pressurein cylinder therefor we offer a wide range of flowrates to meet required dynamic performance foryour application. All components are mountedconveniently for easy access.
A key feature of our hydraulic power packs is thatthey offer demand-dependent flow-rate control,delivering at a constant pressure of 210, 280 or340 bar. They can locate beside or in greaterdistance from load frame.
An oil-to-water heat exchanger or air-coolingexchanger controls fluid temperature. Atemperature switch turns the hydraulic powerpack off when the temperature of the fluidexceeds a pre-set value – lights on a front panelare used to indicate temperature levels.
Closed loop re-cooler system (chiller for Oil /Water Cooling) is available on request and can beintegrated to the unit.

Soil Triaxial Cell
This series of Stress path Triaxial cells designed for static and dynamic soil testing to testcylindrical soil specimens with diameters from 38mm up to 150 mm, a length/diameter ratio of at least 2under triaxial conditions. The cells cover variety range of tests which is required in the geotechnical labs.

There are different transducers which are available and can be selected to be used in the system per asthe system configuration or testing requirements of the user.
• External Load cell for measuring Axial Load
• External torque meter for measuring the torque
• Combined submersible axial and torque transducer for measuring of normal force and torquedirectly at the sample inside the triaxial test cell to remove the effects of loading ram friction onmeasurement.
• Axial displacement Transducer with mounting block and signal conditioner for measuring axialDisplacement
• Pressure transducer for inner cell/outer cell pressure
• Non-contact High-accuracy Angle Displacement Transducer
• Angular displacement sensor with a deflection range of +/-45°(for large shear strain measurement)
• Non-contacting displacement sensor with +/-2,5 mm range (for small shear strain measurement)
Static Pressure Controlling System (Inner Cell/Outer Cell/Back Pressure)
The hollow cylinder test system requires three Pressure controllers for inner cell, outer cell and backpressure. This can be configured and controlled automatically by different methods depends on thetesting applications, laboratory utilities and technical requirements in a variety range of pressure andfor different applications e.g.
With both systems which are fully automatic and are controlled via PC, advance tests such as Saturation,stress/strain path, permeability, K0 and other tests can be easily performed with accuracy andprecision.
A) Air Pressure Controller (APC)
The standard configuration of this series includesof one-off Air pressure controller (APC) to generateair pressures (e.g. confining and pore pressure), two-off Air/Water Bladder which acts as an interface toexchange pneumatic pressure into hydraulic pressureand one -off automatic water volume measuring deviceto measure volume changes.
This system is fully automatic system and is controlledvia PC and dedicated software.
Working pressure: 2 MPa Pressure outlet:3 for inner cell, outer cell and backpressure
B) Volume Pressure Controller (VPC)
This method included of two Volume Pressurecontrollers for applying back pressure and Cellpressure. These are syringe pulse-less pumps whichprecisely generate and regulate pressure and provideflow control in a variety range for differenttesting requirements.
The control of the units is simply done via Touch-panelfor stand-alone use or via PC and dedicated software.This making them very convenient and easy to operate.
Digital Controller
Digital High-Speed High Resolution Expandable Real Time Control and data acquisition System 10KHz control and data acquisition and 24 bit resolution. The Dynamic controller is suitable for screwdriven instruments(electromechanical) , hydraulic instruments with a valve driven with ±10 Volt andvariety of sensors e.g. load cells, LVDTs, strain gauges, extensometers, thermocouples and etc.
The multi-functionality of the controller allows a modular design of the measurement and controlparameters (sensors) via intelligent sensor plug, which store the calibration parameters, thus dependingon the application can be used flexibly.

Main Features
• Up to 32 low-noise closed-loop control channels for static and dynamic tests
• up to 24-bit resolution channels for each test axis (e.g. force, displacement, pressure, strain)
• With digital controller parameterization and bumpless switching between all control functions
• Smooth changeover between all control functions
• Complete, simultaneous data transmission to avoid any data loss
• Digital adjustable controller parameters (P-I-D parameter)
• Simple and flexible test or setpoint parameter adjustment
• I/0 processing of externally connected
• Configuration and setup with PC software