True Triaxial testing Device
True Triaxial testing Device
True Triaxial testing Device
True Triaxial testing Device
True Triaxial testing Device
True Triaxial testing Device
- Description:
True Triaxial testing Device
- Model:
True triaxial
- Manufacturer:
APS-WILLE Geotechnik
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Software
  • Upgrade Option


Germany WILLE The True Triaxial test system is a fully automatic system used to study the behavior of soil under various compressive stress regimes on cubics amples via three independent controlled principal axes (σ1 ≠ σ2 ≠ σ3) under static or cyclicl oading. The System applies vertical and horizontal independent loads by dynamic electromechanical or optionally servo-hydraulic actuators for axis 1and axis 2 and the cell pressure is used for axis 3.The system includes of 4 electromechanical load actuator which work in pair and each of them have their own LVDT displacement transducer and submersible load cells and have stress or strain feedback control.

The True Triaxial test system with different components enables to measure and record geotechnical behaviour of soil materials under a wider range of complex stress paths and strain path. This testing apparatus can generate three different principle stresses in the X, Y and Z directions, as well as applying cyclic loads to the cuboidal sample and collect test results at a wide range of loads, cyclic frequencies and amplitudes which can be used in finite element model development for analysis of slopes and granular embankments relevant to road and railways.

GEOsys software in combination with this unit performs all your tests automatically and without operator assistance during the test period. The axial stress, horizontal stress, confining pressure and pore pressure can be controlled independently.


 System Geography

① Polygon confined cell

② Front door with large window for observation of sample

③ Actuators in X axis

④ Actuators in Z axis (The second one situated inside the cabinet)

⑤ Submersible laod cells (4 numbers)

⑥ Cell and back pressure inlets

⑦ Front panel displayers and safety switch off button

⑧ Built in dynamic Controller

⑨ Pressure transducer to measure pore water pressure and B-value check

⑩ Software enables all kinds of stress paths and other tests

True Triaxial Cell

Polygon true triaxial cell made by Anodize aluminium and is mounted on a heavy-duty base. It is able to apply cell pressure up to 2 MPa on cubical sample with two options for cell pressure which are water(high pressure) or air (low pressure). 

The stresses in axis 1 and 2 are applied by two pairs of matched dynamic actuators and a confining fluid generates pressure for the sigma 3 (3rd axis). Each pair of actuators are synchronized in real-time and can be controlled in any test mode. That means all kinds of static applications, ramps functions, low and high frequencies can be realized in stress, strain or position-controlled mode. There are 4 displacement transducers (each for one actuator) which measure the strain and a volume change device is used to measure and control the strains in the sigma3 direction. A non-contact proximity sensor can also be used to measure deformations in this direction with higher accuracy if required.



Electro-mechanical actuators provide an easier use and environmentally friendly solution for accurate testing to 10 Hz. In comparison to servo-hydraulic actuators electro-mechanical ones do not require regular maintenance of hydraulic power pack, have lower noise level. The new developed, generation of electromechanical actuators are more effective in frequency, displacement accuracy and load range. Each actuator has its own internal submersible load cell and displacement transducer to ensure that friction effects are minimised. Each actuator pair will be controlled in displacement or load control (Constant, Ramp, Sinusoidal loading).

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Sample Preparation Kit

Full sample preparation equipment for cohesive and non-cohesive samples is provided with the system including a specially designed soil lathe for producing prismatic or cubical samples.

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Single Type Volume/Pressure Controller

Automatic Electromechanical pressure volume controller is a syringe pulse-less pump which generate and regulate pressure and provide flow control in a variety range for different applications e.g. cell pressure, back pressure or air pressure for unsaturated tests.

Different modes of pressure control e.g. constant pressure, pressure ramps, constant volume flow is available with using of this pump. It has Compact and space saving design (for wall-mounting or table use) and has different modes of pressure control (e.g. constant pressure, pressure ramps, constant volume flow).

Two of these pumps generate axial hydraulic loading and back pressure and in combination with a Pore water pressure transducer and software are used to run automatically all types of required tests which are pre-programmed in software.

Bishop & Wesley应力路径试验系统

Digital Controller

Digital High-Speed High Resolution Expandable Real Time Control and data acquisition System 10KHz control and data acquisition and 24 bit resolution. The Dynamic controller is suitable for screw driven instruments(electromechanical) , hydraulic instruments with a valve driven with ±10 Volt and variety of sensors e.g. load cells, LVDTs, strain gauges, extensometers, thermocouples and etc.

The multi-functionality of the controller allows a modular design of the measurement and control parameters (sensors) via intelligent sensor plug, which store the calibration parameters, thus depending on the application can be used flexibly.

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Main Features

• Up to 32 low-noise closed-loop control channels for static and dynamic tests

• up to 24-bit resolution channels for each test axis (e.g. force, displacement, pressure, strain)

• With digital controller parameterization and bumpless switching between all control functions

• Smooth changeover between all control functions

• Complete, simultaneous data transmission to avoid any data loss

• Digital adjustable controller parameters (P-I-D parameter)

• Simple and flexible test or setpoint parameter adjustment

• I/0 processing of externally connected

• Configuration and setup with PC software


• High Stiffness robust true triaxial cell with cell pressure up to 2 MPa

• Large Front Window for observation of sample

• Four (4) Cyclic Electromechanical actuators for applying independent stresses (σ1 ≠ σ2 ≠ σ3)

• Sample size: 75x75x150mm

• Electrical feedthroughs for all internal sensors

• Ethernet Port for fast data transferring to PC

• Compatible to LABVIEW©

• Flexible controlling software for nearly unlimited test procedures of all test options

• 4 Submersible laod cell to measure and closed loop control of load with Small friction effects

• Real-time data and graph display

• High speed dynamic controller (2,5 kHz or 10kHz) for monitoring of measured values and closed loop control e.g. load, displacement, position and volume or flow

• The System is capable of applying different stress paths or strain rates

• Different upgrading options are available on request e.g cyclic cell pressure

DescriptionTechnical Specification
Axial load 25 kN
Confining pressure2000 kPa
Sample Size75 x 75 x 150mm


GEOSYS Software

GEOsys is a multi-functional and modular controlling and data acquisition software in Windows. It allows for the simple programming of complex user defined test sequences via structured Windows instructions on a graphi cuser interface.

GEOsys utilizes a flexible, programmable system that controls test appliances that coordinate various test operations. The flexible operating panel provides tools to configure the appliance,  editors to carry out load procedures, and functions for analysis, presentations and logs. The software is designed to support a modul arstructure for the test environment so as to enable a flexible configuration and thus fulfil the specific requirements of the company.

The important key feature of this software is the ability to allow users to simply and freely program standard or complex test sequences with structured Windows operations via a graphic user interface.

Thanks to the wide range of abilities Geosy soffers, it is not only compatible with our products, but it can also be used with hardware from other manufacturers, providing data acquisition and test controlling for hard- ware of a similar or more advanced standard.


Main Features

• Unique platform to address all testing needs, be it soil, asphalt, rock or construction related, both dynamically and statically

• Controlling and data acquisition software

• Simultaneous loops for all connected actuators

• Free programmable Test Sequence Control and Formula Editor (upgrade version)

• Complete real-time data-acquisition and closed- loop control for each channel using real parallel configured channels

• Flexible and user-friendly

• Supporting functions of similar manufacturer Options concerning data conversion in ASCII

• Digital setting of PID Parameters (parameter optimizing or tuning depending on the material) even during operation

• User roles (administrator, service, developer, lab assistant) for easy handling – decreasing the likelihood of errors

• OS platform independent software (e.g.available for WINDOWS, LINUX or MAC OSX)

• Ability to allow users to simply and freely program standard or complex test sequences with structured Windows operations via a graphic user interface

• Suitable for up to any number of simultaneous and independent real-time, closed-loop controlled channels, machines, or test devices, such as axial load, confining pressure, pore water pressure, as pore air-pressure

• Management of hardware components User supplied, calculated measurements

• Languages: English, German, Russian, Chinese, Polish and etc

Soil True Triaxial Test Modules

GEOsys is designed for closed-loop controlled static & Dynamic tests for all test applications in material testing, such as stress-controlled, strain-controlled, all stress paths, loops, any kind of waveforms like sine, rectangle, triangle, and predefined waves.

It is controlling and data acquisition software and also has different modules to run tests according to ASTM or BS or other standards. Please note that some tests listed below will require optional hardware. Depends on the requirement of the customer one or several modules would be delivered with main software, such as:

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• Data Acquisition, processing and device management (DPD) Module

• Saturation Module

• B-value -Test Module

• Consolidation Module (Isotropic or anisotropic)

• Permeability Test Module

• Stress path module: Linear stress paths- p, qor s, t

• Static Shear Stage Module:

UU: Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Test (Total Stress test)

CU: Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Test with pore pressure measurement (Effective Stress test)

CD: Consolidated Drained Triaxial Test with pore pressure measurement (Effective Stress test)

Unsaturated Test Module

• K0 Test Module

• Tension (Extension) Test Module

• Dynamic Shear Stage Module

• Loading Module

• Resilient Modulus Test Module

• Temperature Controlled Triaxial Testing

• Cyclic cell /Back pressure Module

Upgrade Option

• Non-Contact Deformation Measuring unit

A non-contact proximity sensor can also be used to measure deformations in normal direction with higher accuracy.


• Unsaturated Test Set Up

By adding additional hardware to the system, the system will be upgraded to do unsaturated testing as well. Depends on the selected method of measuring the sample volume change, the additional accessories would be different. High Air Entry Porous Bottom Disc, Advance Pressure controller (APC), unsaturated Software module are some examples of these accessories.


• Bender Element Test

The Triaxial test system is able to simply accept bender elements and run bender element tests with its additional accessories. Piezoelectric elements can be easily placed in top and bottom cap of the device for performing bender element or compression wave velocity tests. The existing cell is initially designed to accept the Piezoelectric elements without any extra upgrading on the cell. Exchangeable Bender Element Set for any specimen from 35mm to 150 mm is available and designed for usage in Triaxial test device and can be used for other devices e.g. resonant column device, consolidation cells simple-shear or standard shear devices. Combined Bender element sets are available for Horizontal and also lateral testing for both S and P-wave testing in opposing propagation directions.


• Environmental Temperature Chamber

The cell of True Triaxial is made of steel and can be upgraded for different range of temperatures. This upgrade be ordered before construction of cell. This enables the user to perform the tests under variety range of temperatures from -20 ° C to +80° C (Other temperature range is available on request).Due to the PC-control of temperature unit, any kind of temperature test sequences can be performed.

• Water De-Airing Apparatus

This compact unit provides de-aired water with low level of gas content, as it is demanded for different tests with standard volume capacity from 20 Liter up to 60 Liter.
