"Synchro CT" Triaxial testing System
- Description:
"Synchro CT" Triaxial testing System
- Model:
- Manufacturer:
APS-WILLE Geotechnik
Product Information
  • Description
  • Standard
  • Feature
  • Specification
  • Configuration
  • Software


Traditional CT testing system, non real-time online scanning. The German Wille Rock Online Real time CT Triaxial Testing System enables simultaneous mechanical testing and CT scanning.  X-ray transparent triaxial cell for low and high pressure tests.

Sample's porosity, crystalliza-tion and dissolution, exchange of pore fluids, pre and post-failure geometry, or even crack propagation can be now monitored in situ during testing, and also in a time-resolved manner.

Real time visualization of deformation of sample (consolidation, shear) and flow process (saturation, permeability) during test Two phase fluid flow (gas and liquid).

High potential for upgrades (visualization systems e.g. μ-CT, AE, ERT, custom made test jigs and environmental chambers etc.)

Usage: Natural gas hydrates, soil, rock, concrete, asphalt, synthetic building materials

CT online scanning allows researchers to obtain valuable images from internal structures to explore and verify the characteristics of various materials during stress processes, such as analyzing the relationship between pores, fluids, and materials during loading. Gain a deeper understanding of the uniformity, continuity, cracks, voids, and joints of the specimen. 

岩石CT机    岩石CT机 

Loading rack

• High stiffness: 1mm/full load

• High precision alignment of the framework

• Static or/and cyclic tests

• Axial load up to 5000kN

• Three axis battery handling system

• High precision double acting hydraulic cylinder

• Load accuracy level 1

• The weight ranges from 12 to 20 tons, depending on the required stiffness and size

riaxial chamber (a large triaxial chamber prepared for experiments)

• X-ray transparent cells

• Special composite material manufacturing

• Sample size: 25x50mm, 40x80mm, 150x300mm

• Pore media: water, saline water, carbon dioxide

• Including glass fiber temperature sensor: temperature can reach+200 ℃, pressure can reach 200MPa

• Small CT room: sample 45x90mm, pressure 40MPa, temperature -15~+70 ℃, resolution 5-8 µ m

• Large small CT room: sample 150x3000mm, pressure 40MPa, temperature -15~+70 ℃, resolution 15 µ m

• Small high-pressure design: pressure can reach up to 100MPa, high temperature up to 100 ℃, low temperature up to 20 ℃ (temperature chamber), target resolution 2-5 µ m


CT testing system

• Motion system: High precision of positioning system (linear and angular)

• Testing high-density, large-sized samples with high penetration power

• Source type: Micro source, 150kV, 75W, Focus 5 μ M

• Detector, amorphous silicon, high-resolution and high dynamic range, pixels 12x12 µ m

• Voxel size as small as 8x8x8 µ m



• Control room size: 3.6 x 3.1 x 3.5 m

• Radiation protection room size: 3.7 x 2.8 x 3.5 m

• Control room: CT control cabinet, hydraulic aggregate, injection pump, temperature controller, computer



• Integrated rock CT triaxial loading testing system

• The rock CT machine can perform dynamic loading tests, with a load range of 5000 kN

• The range of confining pressure loading is 200 MPa

• Temperature control range from -20 ℃ to+200 ℃

• CT testing of special materials using a triaxial chamber (capable of conducting both uniaxial and triaxial tests simultaneously)

• In situ generation of natural gas hydrates in fully water saturated free gas systems

• Directional injection of liquid into the sample space (horizontal and lateral injection)

• Visualize different natural gas hydrate sediment compositions and distributions during geotechnical testing, and address time issues

• Ultrasonic sensors

• The ability to further upgrade through additional visualization techniques (resistivity tomography and acoustic emission)

• Uniaxial and triaxial tests

• Samples with d=150mm (soil, rock, porous materials)

• Visualization of various fabrics during geotechnical testing (2D, 3D, and 4D)

• Directional pore fluid injection (horizontal and lateral injection)

• Upgradability: ultrasound, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), and acoustic emission (AE)

• Motion system: High precision of positioning system (linear and angular)

DescriptionTechnical Specification
Static axial load5000 kN
Confining pressure200 MPa
Pore mediaWater, Salty water, CO2
Sample size25mm~150 mm
Testing temperature-20°C ~ +200°C

All above technical specifications can be customised on request.


• GEOSYS Software

• Loading rack

• Triaxial chamber

• CT testing system

• Laboratory

• control room


GEOSYS Software

GEOsys is a multi-functional and modular controlling and data acquisition software in Windows. It allows for the simple programming of complex user defined test sequences via structured Windows instructions on a graphi cuser interface.

GEOsys utilizes a flexible, programmable system that controls test appliances that coordinate various test operations. The flexible operating panel provides tools to configure the appliance,  editors to carry out load procedures, and functions for analysis, presentations and logs. The software is designed to support a modul arstructure for the test environment so as to enable a flexible configuration and thus fulfil the specific requirements of the company.

The important key feature of this software is the ability to allow users to simply and freely program standard or complex test sequences with structured Windows operations via a graphic user interface.

Thanks to the wide range of abilities Geosy soffers, it is not only compatible with our products, but it can also be used with hardware from other manufacturers, providing data acquisition and test controlling for hard- ware of a similar or more advanced standard.







Interface - Display content adjustable


CT software