PaveTesting Limited has been at the forefront ofdeveloping new technologies for over 10 years. Basedin the UK, we design and manufacture pavement testingequipment to meet the safety standard requirements ofregulators and the commercial requirements of pavedsurface operators worldwide.The Pave MLS range of Accelerated Pavement Testing machines (APTs) is used to verify the quality of newly constructed roads and to determine the remaining life of existing roads or design of new pavements.
The usual rut testing equipment only performs very slow loading measurements on road materials, cannot simulate real traffic conditions, cannot simulate real wheel rolling, and cannot perform repeated loading. In contrast, PaveMLS11, a set of road acceleration loading testing equipment, can perform actual loading on the road surface. Through PAVETEST ® The load of PaveMLS11 can be proportionally calculated and loaded using operating software to ensure that the wheel pressure and the wheel loading of all dimensions of the vehicle on the actual road surface remain at the same level. Therefore, the test results of PaveMLS11 can be used to simulate conventional real load conditions, and the equipment can be directly used to study the performance of the 125mm thick asphalt layer on the upper layer of the pavement (whether it is laboratory pavement or on-site pavement). Therefore, this small acceleration loading device is of great value for studying the road performance under full size vehicle wheel loading on real road conditions on site.
Pave MLS 11
The PaveMLS 11 is a 1:3 scale Accelerated Pavement Testing machine with a full load test section length of 1.1m. used to explore performance of asphalt pavements in the laboratory and in the field. The road is scaled but tyre pressures are at the same level as in full scale trucks. Results are there fore transferrable to real life trafficking. Operating speed is 7200 wheel loads per hour. wheel load is 2.7kN on the 300mmdiameter tyre wheels.

Various parameters are recorded in real time to enable detailed analysis of the road’s performance. These include the test wheel load, test wheel speed, vertical wheel movement, number of applied axles, lateral wander position and elapsed time.
The wheel load is recorded and plotted in graphical form. The tyre pressure, temperature and the pressure of suspension are also monitored throughout the testing process to ensure safety, reliability and on sistency.
The Pave MLS range is used on highways, local roads, car parks and airport runways. Measurements are taken to determine a wide range of performance factors including:
• Structural performance of specific pavement compositions using third scale pavement structures
• Rutting performance of asphalt under high temperature trafficking
• Rutting performance of asphalt under wet trafficking
• The impact of speed on performance of asphalt
• Fatigue of asphalt and other pavement materials
• Performance of surface treatment layers
• Pavement reinforcement and highway furniture such as bridge expansion joints and pavement surfaces
• Environmental impact