PaveTesting Limited has been at the forefront ofdeveloping new technologies for over 10 years. Basedin the UK, we design and manufacture pavement testingequipment to meet the safety standard requirements ofregulators and the commercial requirements of pavedsurface operators worldwide.
A Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is used to measure the vertical deflection response of a surface to an impulse load. Load measurement and deflection sensors record the pavement surface characteristic, which is used to calculate pavement properties such as
• Bearing Capacity
• Layer Thickness
• E Moduli
• Expected Surface Life
PaveFWD, Trailer Mounted, 7-150kN
A standard Falling Weight Deflectometer (Pave FWD-TM) is a trailer mounted non-destructive testing device used to determine the stress/strain parameters of pavements and sub-grades.
PaveFWD, Vehicle Mounted, 7-150kN
A Falling Weight Deflectometer (Pave FWD-VM) is a vehicle mounted nondestructive testing device used to determine the stress/strain parameters of pavements and sub-grades.
Pave HWD / Pave SHWD,Heavy and Super Heavy Trailer Mounted,7-250 + 7-350kN
A Heavy Falling Weight Deflectometer, Pave HWD and the Super Heavy, Pave SHWD are twin axle trailers used for non-destructive testing of stiff bound material as found on Airport Runways and truck car parks.

A PaveFWD can also be used in determining the actual material used and in what combination to build the pavement surface. It also identifies voids underneath the surface or how two surfaces, typically concrete slabs, are in contact with each other.
Pave View is user-friendly with an automatic self-check of results – data is easily transferred to PC via the USB memory key or by a direct connection.
The PaveFWD is used on highways, local roads, car parks and airport runwa√Sensors are placed at preset distances from the load plate axis, measuring the deflection of the surface at high resolution.
Complies with ASTM D4694 “Standard Test Method for Deflections with a Falling Weight Type Impulse Load Devices”
A Deflectometer is used for the following applications :
• Pavement rehabilitation and overlay
• PCC joint sealing evaluation
• Pavement management systems
• Load transfer efficiency
• Void detection
• Spring load restrictions
• Utility cuts
• Experimental paving materials
• Project acceptance and evaluation